The history of Area 51

Area 51 is a highly secured and classified United States Air Force facility in Groom Lake, Nevada, north of Las Vegas. It was built in 1955, it was initially built to be a testing facility for the U-2 Spy plane but has also tested many other planes. Area 51 is infamous not because it is an Air Force base but because of all the conspiracy theories surrounding it. Since it is an Air Force base people believe that they test other extraterrestrial aircraft as there have supposedly been sightings of aircraft incapable speeds. 

One of the leading conspiracy theories is that Area 51 is testing on alien aircraft and other alien items. Another popular theory is that in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico, a flying saucer was seen to have crashed people believe it was later brought into Area 51 to be tested on and to be explored. one more very popular theory gained support in 1989 because a man named Robert (Bob) Lazar was interviewed by George Knapp who was part of a CBS affiliation located in Las Vegas. He stated that they were trying to "back-engineer a downed alien spacecraft." 

The reason of lately of the popularity increase of Area 51 is not just because of theories but because in 2019 1.5 million people stated that they would attend a famous Facebook trend called "storm Area 51." The 1.5 million people were pledged to storm Area 51 to see the extraterrestrial aircraft and aliens on September 20th, 2019 at 3:00 am. On September 10th, 2019, two Dutch men were arrested for trespassing as they told national security that they wanted to take a look even though there were no trespassing signs. 10 days later on September 20th, 2019, the day of the raid only 200 people showed up. Out of the 200 people that showed up two people were arrested mainly due to intoxication and public indecency. On September 20th nobody raided Area 51 as not one single person even crossed the outer perimeter of Area 51. to date no true information has been released about the extraterrestrial sightings and theories of Area 51. 

Do believe that Area 51 is hiding something from us? 

Do you think that Area 51 is a secret alien facility? 

Would you try and raid Area 51 if you got the chance?

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  • There are too many pages on the internet and videos that talk about it and many claim that if they hide something, I really don't know completely because I haven't started to investigate, but I can believe that if they hide something because there's a reason they protect it so much and therefore I wouldn't dare to storm that place.

    • I 100% agree I think they are hiding something but since they haven't actually released anything about it I wouldn't want to raid it as it could be very dangerous 

  • I think Area 51 is definitely hiding something. I think it has something to do with aliens but it could be something else that they are hiding. I wouldn't want to raid Area 51.

  • I think Area 51 could be hiding something, but I think it's something more realistic than that it is a secret alien facility. I don't think aliens exist and I don't think there are any at Area 51. I think they really just test aircraft and other machines there.

    • I agree with you, I don't believe in aliens either and i think if they are hiding something it is just one of their aircraft that they don't want people to know about 

  • I think area 51 is hiding somthing from us. I feel like AREA should be a secret alien facility, but I really don't belive in aliens. I would never try and raid Area 51 because I feel like I would go to jail for trying to raid a secret place .

  • I do believe Area 51 might be hiding something from us, it is very suspicious how they don't let people get in it or record it. I am however not sure if it is a secret alien facility, since there are not many possibilities, but MAYBE, since they already confirmed aliens are real. I would not go even near Area 51, it seems very creepy. 

    • I agree with you, I think they are hiding something but I'm not sure that they are hiding aliens as I still don't believe in aliens.

  • I think Area 51 could be hiding something from us, but also there is also possibiltys they are not. I do not think that it is holding aliens. I do not really think aleins are real. I feel like i would not try and raid area 51 because it just could be a military base.

  • I honestly don't know if Area 51 is hiding something. I believe there could be things that they are hiding but maybe it's not just alien technology. I would never try and raid Area 51 because it won't help the situation and I probably wouldn't find anything out anyway. 

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