Standardized Testing

This week is ISASP week which means lots of testing. High school students in general don’t like these tests, and they can cause lots of stress and mental problems. But the real question is do these tests that we take every spring even affect us? Do we, as the students, really need to take these tests to see how well we are learning?


Both sides of this argument for and against standardized testing have lots to say. First let's look at for standardized testing. Lots of people say that standardized testing helps students and teachers. This can help teachers by telling them what they need to do better next year for teaching. With students, this can tell them what classes they might have struggled in. Another way they could help students is they can see how they learn the best and from whom. Students can see where their strengths and weaknesses are in school and how to work with and around those to excel in academics.


But on the other hand, these tests that take at least an hour or more for most students and can cause lots of stress and might not even give adequate data. When taking these tests, students can possibly get anxious or stressed because they put a lot of pressure on themselves to do well. They can have test anxiety  and this can make the data skewed, which would mean that there is no point in even taking them. Because we aren’t given good data this would mean that every year they aren’t teaching the right things to students.


In my opinion we should have some sort of testing but not standardized tests. I believe that they don’t do much for our education and there are other ways that students can get adequate data to better their learning experience. Such as: giving sample questions, this way students don’t have to take hour long tests. This would give better results and data for the states to teach us better. Another way could be just looking at students grades throughout the year.


Do you think that these tests help us learn better?

Would you rather take sample tests or standardized test?

Do you think that your ISASP score reflects how well you are learning?

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    • I think that they do cause a lot of stress and because of that stress kids don't preform their best on the test. Another thing to bring up is all of the rules that are applied with taking ISASP those can make it even more stressful than it needs to be.

  • No, I don’t think that these tests are here to help us learn better. I think that they have these tests because it shows how our school is doing with teaching so that they can find better ways to improve if some people are struggling. I don’t really think it matters whether or not we do sample tests or standardized tests because it all does the same thing and it gives off the same results for the same thing. No, I don’t think that ISASP affects how I am learning. Yes, it is a lot of stress, but I’m used to it at this point and I don’t really have much of a  problem with it.

    • I think that the teachers are supposed to change how they teach based on the scores that kids get and that is supposed to help the people who are struggling. I think that sample tests would be a lot let stressful for all the students having to take these tests.

  • I dont think standerdized tests are neccesarily good for us. They are good for the shcool tho. Therfore i fedel they are necceasry. Not saying I like them tho.

    • I think they might not even be good for the school. They are supposed to help the teachers know what to teach for the next year with the new students, but some students don't take ISASP seriously and they don't do good so the data is inaccurate.

  • I don't think standardized tests are very beneficial. A student's test-taking abilities do not necessarily indicate their intelligence or knowledge of a subject. A lot of smart students struggle with taking tests and may be misjudged on their intelligence based on that. 

    • I think that smart kids struggle taking tests all the time and this maky make the data inaccurate. This means that the teachers would be getting data that was off on what they acctually neede to be teaching to all of the students for the next year.

  • I don't think that these tests help students, but I think that they help teachers see where the students are progressed. I don't think that the score represents what an individual knows. I think that the scores can be skewed because the people who don't care would just click through the questions and not try.

  • ISASP tests are not benifitial at all testing like that does not show you what a student really knows. filling in blanks also makes it so you can just cram the info right before dump it out on the test and forget it so no they are not helpful or good.

    • I think that cramming before the test is true. We normally get one day of review for this test that is supposed to tell the state what we are being taught or not. If them really want accurate data, we should be reviewing more than what we do now.

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