Should Young Children Have Phones?

There are many reasons why children should or shouldn't have phones. Since phones were created so recently we are still trying to figure out the best way to introduce them to young minds. There have been many studies conducted and most of them say you should wait till your child is 12-14 years old or they should be in at least the eighth grade. Now, 42% of children get a phone before the age of 10 and as much as 91% have a phone by the young age of fourteen. Should we be buying children phones this early? 

First of all, many parents like that their children have phones because they are able to be in constant contact. This makes many parents feel more secure when their kids leave home. Phones are also great to have because of safety reasons. They could call 911 or anybody that can help them with just a couple clicks of a button.  Another reason it's good for children to have phones is because it gives them a sense of independence and maturity. This gives them responsiblity and helps them learn how to take care of things at an earlier age. 

There are also many down sides to having phones at a young age. Screen addictions can start especially at a young age. Overuse of phones at such a young age can have poor mental and physical health effects. There is also problems with parents being able to control what their children are playing or watching. With this, cyberbullying can accure no matter how much you try as a parent to stop it. 

Personally, I believe that kids should have phones. But only when they are old enough for parents to trust them or they need it because they have extracurricular activities, like sports. I feel like a good time to get a phone would be the seventh grade when many people start school sports or other activities. Otherwise I would say get a phone at the age of 12. Parents should implement their own rules based on what they see fit. For example, I got my first phone when I was in seventh grade. I had screen time and could only have certain apps until I proved to my parents they could trust me. I feel this is what most parents should do in order to help control the amount of phone usage for their child. 

What age did you get a phone?

What age do you think children should get a phone?

Why do you think that's a good age?


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  • I got a phone when I turned 12 years old. I think children should first get a phone sometimes in middle school. I think that's a good age because that's when kids start to hang out with friends and go out and parents like to know where they are going and washer they are.

    • I agree that sometime in middle school is the best time for children to get their first phone. I also believe that it is almost essential if they are in a lot of sports or other extracurricular activities. I still feel that it's different for every child.

  • I had my first phone at the end of my sixth grade (10-12), and even then my parents didn't give me permission to have social networks. I think the children should have their own phone until middle school, maybe they will have their minds a little more mature now.

    • I completely understand why your parents wouldn't want you to have certain social mediaa. I feel middle school is the best time to get your first phone and that when you get it their should be restrictions, like screen time or app monitors.

  • I got a phone when I was in 7th grade. I think this was a good age becuase this was when I began school activities and needed to contact my parents. My siblings had ipods before we had phones and I think this was too early, ecspecially for my youngest brother. I definetly see him being too dependent on electronics.

  • I got my first phone when I was 9 because my mom worked away from home and felt it was safer. I think I was way too young, but I did have a lot of restrictions and wasn't allowed social media until I was in 8th grade. I think a good age for children to get their first phones is 13, but for safety reasons, I understand why parents would want to get them phones earlier.

  • I got my first phone my 8th grade year. Before that I had a I-Pod that worked simmilar to a phone. I do not think children should get a phone at a young age. I will not give my children phones till they are needed. I think that 8th grade - Freshman year is a good time to get a phone.

  • I got a phone when I was 11 years old.  I think it was appropriate because my parents set limits which helped me only see good things. I also wasn't always on it since the time was limited. I'd let my kids get phones from 10-12 years old. I think they need to learn responsiblity and have some fun. At this age, they're maturing and getting closer to friends.

    • I agree that getting your child a phone can help learn some responsibility and it helps them stay closer with their friends and family. I believe that their should be limits set when children first get a phone, like you had with your first phone. 

  • I have gotten my first phone was in 6th grade becuase of being far away and my mom being at work and dad. i think that having a phone at high school or maube after high school is a good idea. Children shouldnt have a phone untill their older 

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