Do you know what the requirements are to become the president of the United States? As of right now, there are only three requirements you must be 35 years of age. You have to be a natural-born citizen of the united stats. Finally, you have to live in the United States for at least 14 years. I think they should add one more. In my opinion, you should have to serve in the military in order to become president. The president has the power to wage war without having it cleared by congress. Why should someone with no military experience be allowed to launch our military into war? 

Only 26 of the 46 presidents have served in the military. Before World War II the majority of presidents that served in the military were in the United States Army. After the war, most of the presidents that served were in the United States Navy. I personally think that the president should be required to serve in at least one branch of the military in order to be elected.


Should the president be required to serve in the military?


Would you ever run for president if given the chance?

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  • I think that in order to be president you should have military experience. I think this because the president understands what he is doing with the military since he has been in their shoes. I wouldn't run for president because it is a huge burden and would be a lot of responsibility.

  • I think the president should. Not just that, but I think the requirements in general should be a little more strict. That's basically saying anyone can run the country, which isn't true. I personally think, it takes skill and patience. But if the president is required to serve in the military before their term, I think they could have a better understanding of what they're putting the people into. I don't think I would ever run for president.

  • Personally, I don't think it should be a requirement to serve in the military in order to run for or become president. In order to be president there are no requirements for school, so technically a person without a high school diploma could become president as well. I think the requirements are good enough and I think that changing them would be pointless. You still know how war works even if you've never been in one.

  • In my opinion I think that serving in the military would give the president some experience but just because your in the miltary doesn't mean you have the skills to lead a military into war, if you are elected then I would say you have the leadership skills to lead a military into war but no, all in all I do not think you should ghave to serve in the military, also because many who come back from service have mental illnesses and that could cause major prblems for the country.

  • I don't think you have to serve in the military to be a president. Would it make geat leaders? of course it would, but most people who retire from the military suffer from PTSD and mental heath issues. It does take big responsibiltys being a president but anyone can take on thoes responsibiltys military or not.

  • I don't think you should have to serve in the military to be a president. Many people who serve in the military come home with PTSD, and they mentally aren't capable to work that closely with the military again. I understand why it could help the presidents out with running the military, but the military has been successful with presidents who haven't served in the military as well.

  • I think yes and no. The reason they should is that then it could help them with where they should send the troops to fight. The reason they shouldn’t is because they could get a brain injury and then they won’t be able to be the president and do good for their country.

  • NO and yes, I don't think that they need to but that should be a huge part inbeing a president because if all pf the militray people have brain damadge then that might not be the best for out country. I would not run for president because that is too much for me.

  • I don't think that presidents should be required to serve in the military. I think that the military is not something for everybody and eventhough it shows how much the persons cares and want to serve for the country, there has been many presidents that haven't served in the military and have run and serve to the country as good. I personally would not run for president because I think it will be a big responsability.

  • I don't feel like you should have to be in the military honestly I don't have a reason. I would never run for president I know it is a big responsibility and for a very educated person as a president, you would get blamed for all the bad and not many people would even say anything about the good that person has done.

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