Should women be required to register for Selective Services?

On September 16, 1940, the United States instituted the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, which required all men between the ages of 21 and 45 to register for the draft. When it comes to the topic of being drafted and those who are required to register, the point of whether women should be required to or not is usually brought up. I think that women should be able to be drafted. Over the years, women have proven that some women are just as capable as men. I think that equal rights come with equal responsibility. 

One of the reasons I think that people think they should be required to register is the fact that the number of volunteer women is increasing anyways. Some believe that if the number is increasing anyways, why wouldn't we just require them just in case? Others feel that if women have the same rights as men, then they should be held to the same standards as men. They should be forced to fight the same way men are. 

On the other hand, other people are not for making women register. Some believe that women are more important behind the scenes with smaller jobs than they are in the field. Some say that women are better use helping doctors, making food, making guns, and more. They also feel that if women and men both have the chance to be drafted, that could soon lead to more foster children due to the chance of both parents dying now. 

Overall I think that they should be held to the same responsibilities and should have to register for the draft. 


Do you think women should be required to register for the draft?


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    • I agree with you becuase now it is a different time and women see themselves as a lot stronger and i think that they should be required just like men to register fora draft. But the likleyness of a draft happening is very low.

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