Should we continue to use the Selective Service System?

I'm sure most of us are familiar with the draft, whether from current news about expanding its regulations or hearing about it in our classes. The question is, is it really necessary today?

The Selective Service System is a system that prepares the United States for a possible draft. Men aged 18-25 are required to register for military service during peacetime. If the military doesn’t have enough personnel during a war, Congress and the President may issue a draft. The government needs to know who is elligible for military service. This is where the Selective Service System comes in, providing information of all elligible men. While many people are in support of this system (even wanting to expand it to women), others feel that it is unnecessary and outdated.

Men have been drafted in wars throughout our country’s history. Ever since the start of the draft, people have protested it and started riots. The first version of the Selective Service System was used in 1917.  In 1948, the Selective Service Act was introduced following the World War II draft. This act laid a foundation for the system we have today. 

People in support of the Selective Service System and the draft believe that it is necessary to protect the country. They believe that the system acts as a contingency plan that the country can fall back on. There is a concern of a lack of volunteers if the United States ever does go to war. Many also argue that women should be allowed to register because they are equal to men. 

There are also many people opposed to the Selective Service System and the draft. They believe that the draft doesn't have much use, and argue that the military will have sufficient volunteers and public support regardless of whether the Selective Service System is in place. They also argue that the people who have registered for Selective Service are not instantly ready for battle, and that they still need training. In addition, during the conflicts with Iraq and Afghanistan, military forces were expanded without the need of a draft. Casualty levels were also extremely low, and support of the military stayed high even without support of the wars themselves. 

Personally, I don't think the Selective Service System and the draft are fully necessary, and I do think they are a little outdated. The US should focus on a volunteering system. I don't think a lack of volunteers for military service is an issue. We already have a strong military force. I also think the public will continue to support our military. However, I understand the people who want to keep it for extra security or in case of emergency, but with significantly fewer casualties in recent years, I feel more confident. 


Do you think the Selective Service System should be used today?


Do you think women should be required to register?


Would you want to be drafted?



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    • I agree that it is possible that there might not be enough people willing to fight if the US was in a state of crisis, andit still would be a good to have in case of emergency. I also think women should have to register.

  • I think with the service System I think it could still be used today so when men starts to now when they need to know to register and what age they do it as well, Also I do think that women should be able to registered as weel with men too.

    • I agree that women should be able to register as well as men, because it is only fair.

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