should transgender care for minors be restricted?

There have been a lot of talks lately about states restricting or outright banning transgender care. This can be very harmful to trans youth, taking away the one thing they can do to feel good about themselves can harm their mental health and well-being. banning trans care for minors will inevitably raise suicide rates among trans youth.  

There has been more than one state banning or restricting trans care making it harder and harder for children to feel comfortable in their bodies. I think banning trans care for minors is not a good idea, the way it is now trans youth can get care but they need the permission of their parents and a therapist's recommendation. Making already hard enough to get care but this bill will take away all the effort we have gone through.


what do you think?

should transgender care be restricted?



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  • I personally believe that trans people should not be helped financially but, should be helped mentally. There are two genders and you shouldn't be able to change your gender, especially as a minor.  God made 2 genders, and he made you a man or a woman, so you can't just change that with surgery because you feel "uncomfortable".  I think that people make it seem okay to change genders, so young people don't know that it's wrong. 

  • I disagree, I don't think you can change your gender regardless of your age. I especially don't think we should let children try to change their gender because they shouldn't be making decisions that will effect their entire life at such a young age. 

  • I personally don't think that the youth should be making decisions like becoming trans. They are too young and foolish to make life changing decisions like that. I think that transgender care should be restricted because I don't believe in changing your gender because you don't feel "comfortable."

    • being trans is not so simple as just being "comfortable" it can be so severe that people can't stand to live anymore and attempt suicide. 

  • I don't agree, in my opinion you can't change you gender. Even if you undergo a surgery, what you were born as is your real gender. And if we support they changing themselves at a young age they will think it is okay when they get older. Overall I think transgender surgery should be banned all together.

    • I can respect your opinion as not everyone has the same views but personally, I think that being able to be happy in your body is something that everyone should have.

  • I strongly disagree with your opinion. In my opinion, if you are choosing to be transgender you should have to deal with the consequences that come along with it. In the end, we are all entitled to our own opinions even if I STRONGLY disagree with yours. 

  • I have to disagree with the transgender situation. Biological factors make you male or female, such as hormones and testosterone.  I do not think that this should be acceptable. In nature, there are no switching genders. There are what they are and there are no changes as it should be in humans.

  • I think that children just need to get to feel comfortable in their bodies like they did 50 years ago. Some states are allowing 12-14 year olds to undergo sex change operations without the okay of the parent. This happened in Canada as well and the dad of the child, who did not agree with the operation, was blocked from seeing his child.

  • I dont think that transgender care should be a thing. I think that if you think you are trans, gay or anything else you have a mental problem. I think we should give therapy to those who think they are. if you are born a male you are a male no matter if you say you are a female or not. God made you the way you are and the world shouldnt be pushing these agendas for the youth or anybody. At a young age you dont know what you want and these changes can be irriversable. so overall they should get ride of them. 

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