Should tiktok be banned?


Tiktok has been thought to be a national security concern because it is owned by a chinese company. The main reason for this ban is the ties that tiktok has to china. Many are concerned that the Chinese are spying on the United States through tiktok.  Many states have tried and succeeded at banning tik tok, around 30 states have successfully banned the app. Montana was the first state to ban the app.


This ban has gone far enough that the Biden administration began to make threats. The Biden administration’s threats consisted of a national ban unless the parent company of tiktok agrees to sell their shares. In the past, when the speculations were made, tiktok has made comments about how they have never shared any information with the Chinese government. Which clearly was not enough for many people.


 The people from tik tok also think this ban is against the first amendment right granted to the people. They have also made comments about how they will defend the users inside and out of montana with the use of this amendment. When the ban was put into place, it prohibits any downloads of Tiktok in the state, and any app store who still offers it will get fined $10,000 a day that people still have the ability to download the app. Although these penalties will not be applied to users, the app will be taken off the phones of montana residents. 

Do you think tiktok should be banned?

Do you use tiktok daily?

Are you concerned about the accusations against tiktok?

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  • No I don't think TikTok should be banned. I use TikTok daily and probably more than I need to. I'm not super concerned about the accusations against TikTok. TikTok is used for entertainment by a ton of people and a lot of people use TikTok daily. 

  • I don't think the app should be banned. Although I understand why people might feel nervous about it, nothing has personally happened to me that would impact my opinion on the subject. Tiktok is used as entertainment for lots of people and it can be very helpful at times.

  • I don't think Tiktok should be banned. I use Tiktok every day and enjoy watching videos on the app. I'm also not very worried about it getting banned because I don't think they will go through with it. Many peoples jobs are also on Tiktok, although it isn't a very reliable source of income. 

  • Even though I don't have Tiktok, I think it should be banned. Just the fact of it being owned by a foreign country makes it already a bad idea. Even though they say that they are not sellign our information, I don't really trust them because if a country asked to have the information for a lot of money, I bet that they wouldn't hesitate to sell it. All in all, I don't think that Tiktok can be trusted.

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    • I agree, if you think tiktok is so scary than simply delete your information and uninstall the app. Not everyone should have to suffer just becasue some people are scared.

  • I don't use TikTok because I do not have the app. However I don't think that it should be banned because it provides a way for people to communicate with others and give others ideas. I think that TikTok is a way for people to feel creative and tell others what is going on in their life or around the world.

  • bump

  • I do not think TikTok should be banned because TikTok is my source of entertainment on my phone. I think it teaches me a lot outside of what I learn in school and just about what is going on in the world. I think that if you look into who owns it and what power it has over your information it can be a little scary. 

    • Tiktok has also been my only source of entertainment on my phone, I learn a lot from it that is actually useful. It can be scary knowing who owns it and all this power that they have over all users of the app but it shouldn't be banned for that reason.

  • I like tik tok I enjoy watching short videos in my free time that entertain me. I dont necesarily think it needs to be banned a lot of people use the social media platform whether its to watch videos or upload them as long as people are being responsible with the app I dont see any reason to ban it. 

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