Should There Be More Gun Control?

Should buying a gun be harder than it already is? Today there are a couple of steps to purchasing a pre-built manufactured weapon. Either you have to have a permit to carry or a permit to acquire. Though you do not need the permits. You will have to complete a NICS(National Instant Criminal Background Check System) form each time you purchase a firearm.

To get either permit you will have to go to your county sheriff's office to fill out a form. If you choose not to get the permits you can take the NICS form before the purchase. The NICS is a background check created by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993. That is before you are able to purchase a firearm. During the process of getting a firearm though you have to fill out Form 4473. This form was created by the ATF (The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) on January 16, 2017. It is a six-page form that you need to sign every time you buy a weapon from an FFL (Federal Firearms Licensed dealer). After purchasing a firearm, the individual needs to be 18+ to purchase any ammo for the weapon.

In my opinion, I think that there should not be more gun control. I think this because it is starting to become unconstitutional. People should be able to own and bear firearms. Adding more laws to limit the number of people to own weapons. I think owning the permits and having background checks is a little much but is needed to lessen the number of deaths and accidents. 

Do you think that there should be more gun control? Why?

Would you own a gun in the future? 

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  • I think that there should be more gun control. In my opinion, I think you should have a background check, and maybe even see if you are mentally stable enough to have a gun. And not just in stores, but in households as well. Some families make it way too easy for children to access a gun in the house, for example, the kindergartner that shot his teacher at school a couple of weeks ago. But I still think we should be able to own guns if we fit the proper requirements because some people use them for safety, especially if they live in an unsafe area.

  • I do not think we should push for gun control because we already have a lot and it is going to start becoming unconstitutional. My family owns many guns but they are used for hunting. I cannot imagine a world were we were not allowed to own or carry firearms. 

    • I agree that we should not push more gun laws as of now. It is starting to become unconstitutional and could start splitting our country. Personally, my family owns lots of guns for hunting as well and it would be a shame if that got taken away.

  • I 100% agree with your opinion, the 2nd amendment was mde to protect us and for the civilians of the U.S. to defend themselves, and the more laws they put on gun ownership the more restless americans become and it is just asking for violence or even another civil war could happen so I think the best thing they could do is leave it how it is.


  • I think that there should be more gun control. Looking back at last year there were 647 mass shootings in the US alone, and over 44,000 people died in those shootings. I believe if guns became harder to access and the qualifications required to have a gun were tighter, those numbers would be way lower.

  • If you look at the evidence the places with the most gun control always have the highest crime in the country. Places like California, DC, Chicago, Detroit, New York, it is impossible or near impossible to obtain firearms. These places among others are very high in crime. Gun control does nothing, if you make a guns illiegal law abiding citizens would be affected, not criminals. Laws do nothing for those who don't care about those laws. Every single gun law on the books in unconstitutional. 

  • I think that there should be more gun control because guns are getting put in the wrong hands. If we did have more gun control than there most likely be less mass shooting in school or stores. I think that there is a posibillity of me owning a gun because it is a good for defense, but I probably won't own one until I'm way older.

    • I agree that there should be little more gun control because the people ending up with guns aren't always great people. I disagree that if there were more gun control, there would be fewer shootings. I feel that some people that already have guns could get enraged with something to the point of them killing people.

  • I don't think there should be more gun control because I feel that it should stay the same the way it is and I feel like there are many restrictions on gun control. I would like to own a few guns just for my protection and other things and I would also like to hunt with them as I get older.

  • I do not think that there needs to be more gun control. I feel that we already have enough restrictions as it is and it is already becoming unconstitutional. I personally own a few guns and I look forward to purchasing more in the future. They make a good defense tool and they are fun to hunt with.

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