Should the voting age be lowered to 16-17?

The government says that the age of voting is 18 because during the WWI they drafted anyone 18 and older. Citizens believe that voting should be more of a habit. Research shows that people want to lower the age of voting to 16 or 17. I believe that they have enough knowledge to know what is going on in the world. 


First, we need to make voting a habit. Lowering the age of voting can lead to better and longer voting turnouts, bringin citizens closer to our government and having a say in what happens in the world. “A person who votes in the first election they are eligible for is likely to continue voting consistently.” Having younger people vote increases the number of votes.


Second,sixteen and seventeen year olds are ready to vote, research is showing that 16-17 year olds have the skills, knowledge, and sense what is going on in the world.There isn’t much new information being presented from a 16-18 year old, why does the age of voting need to be 18 and older. I am currently a 16 year old and I know enough to be able to vote.


Third, teenage kids age 16-17 are feeling what the elections do to our environment, they should have a say on what happens. “They also work without limits on hours and pay taxes on their income, can drive in most states, and in some cases, are tried in adult courts.” Lowering the voting age would force people to listen to the 16-17 year olds and what they have to say about the government. If they end up lowering the voting age you will have a stronger team of citizens. 

What do you think about lowering the voting age?


What should the legal age be to vote?

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  • It would amazing if the voting age could be lowered.  I think 16 would be a great age to do it, and as you said there are a lot of teenagers that are capable and would love to vote, and it would be amazing to see what the younger generation is more passionate about and how that would reflect the elections.

  • I think that lowering the voting age may be a good idea because many more people would partake in the political side of the nation. In some cases many of the 16 and 17 year olds may not want to vote because they feel that they can't carry out on that repsonsibility.

  • I think that the voting age should be lowered. With having more young voters the politicians are also more likely to do politics for the young people. Of course you can doubt that not many people at 16/17 are not mature enough. But I think you could also educate the people more about voting and its impact at school. 

  • In my opinion, the voting age should stay at the age of 18. Most high schoolers that are 16 and 17, especially boys are not, are not fully mature yet. With them also living with there parents, they could force them to vote for who their parents think and go with there opinions. They haven't seen the real world on their own yet and therefore could just go off what their parents say. 

  • In my opinion voting age should be lowered to 16 years. Most 16 year old poeple are mature and have the knowledge to know what happens in the world. However, there could be some that don't really know who to vote because they don't have the knowledge to make the decision, this is not a problem because it is not mandatory to vote. They should give them the chance of vote and each person could decide if they want to vote or they prefer to be more prepared.

  • Especially in politics, a lot of voting has to do with personal opinion/preference. With that, a 16 or 17 year old young adult should be able to recognize if they are mature enough to make decisions for our government and within their community. If they are not, they have the ability, even if they are of age, to opt out of voting. But for the young adults who are mature enough, I think that the voting age should be lowered to 16. 

  • I think that voting at age 18 is perfectly fine. Most 16 and 17 year old are not very responsibilities like 18 year old are. Also if your 16 and 17 year old and living with your parents there were possibly be influence on voting for certain person or you could suffer punishment.

  • I think that the age of 18 is the right age to vote. When you are an adult you take on more responsibilities that a kid so you have better expirience on what should be voted on. If you are young and live with your parents the parents will influence you on how to vote or punish you if you dont vote a certain way. I think that keeping the voting age at 18 should be kept.

    • I would have to disagree, I believe that kids are resonsiable enough.

  • If they did happen to lower the age i wouldnt be againist it cause if you're able to drive and work you should be able to put your sense into who you want to lead. Although I agree with lowering the age i think 18 should be the legal age, its a reasonble age. 

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