Should teachers be allowed to hit students?

In the 19th and 20th centuries, teachers used corporal punishments on students. They believed that these punishments helped motivate students to perform better both academically and behaviorally. It was allowed for teachers to discipline students if they weren't paying attention, weren’t behaving adequately, or had inappropriate language. Teachers would typically use rulers, belts, an open hand, etc. Even though it doesn't happen as much as it used to, physical discipline is still legal in nineteen states.


Nineteen out of the fifty states still allow teachers to discipline students in public schools. While in private schools, only two states allow that, Iowa and New Jersey. Many people believe that corporal punishments should not be allowed in a school environment. They think that it is the parent’s responsibility to physically punish the child (if they choose to do so). However, some people believe that corporal punishments are beneficial and useful in school. It is said to establish boundaries, motivate students to behave, and accurately be held accountable. 


I think that corporal punishments in schools should be illegal and banned in all 50 states. It is not the teacher’s responsibility or right to lay their hands on another person's child. If a student is really acting up, the teacher needs to contact the parents before taking any physical action.


What do you think about teachers hitting their students?

Do you think hitting students should be illegal?

Who do you think should be in charge of discipling students, teachers or parents?,%2C%20Indiana%2C%20Iowa%2C%20Kansas%2C

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    • I agree, physical discipline will just make bigger problems than giving a detention would. Teachers need to talk to the parents to avoid conflict and to avoid physically hurting them.

  • I don't think teachers should be allowed to hit students. I think their parents should be in charge of that, and there are other consequences they can give students before physically harming them like detention or calling their parents. 

  • I personally think that students shouldn't get hit by teachers. I think that would be very unprofessional and the students wouldn't have that respect for a teacher. Yes, there are some bad kids but that doesn't mean a slap on the wrist is going to change that. I feel if both sides get to respect the classroom environment can be very fun. 

  • I think that teachers should not be allowed to physically hurt a student. If their relationship is strictly professional, then it should stay that way. If  a teacher were a banker, they couldn't walk up to a colleage or client and just backhand them or take a wooden board and just start hitting them for what the teacher deems bad or acting out. Also, we don't know the student's lives after school. Who knows what goes on in their household - maybe they are preforming badly in an acidemic level because they have totake care of the house and kids, or they have abusive parents( or had abusive parents and are traumatized from them)-  and I don't think that it is right for the students to have to suffer at the hands of the teacher, we have found other consequences for misbehaving students.

    • This is very true. Teachers need to be considerate about the student's home life when they have problems at school. Therefore, they need to contact the parents before giving any big punishment. If there is a problem that the student should get hit for it, they definetly need to contact the student's parents. Being hit can start or bring back trauma, so it is better to give alternate punishments.

  • I don't think teachers should hit students but then there comes to a point where the student gets to be to much and the parents aren't doing anything at home to help it then I think teachers should be able to do a slap on the wrist or soemthing that isn't gonna harm the strudent but will make sure the student learns to do better. 

    • I partly agree, teachers need to keep their hands off of their students, even if they are acting up. If a teacher were to slap them on the wrist it would have to be the very last resort and only with the parents permission.

  • I dont think teachers or any other adminstration should be able to hit students. I think if the parents of the student believe there needs to be any sort of physical punsishment done they should be the people to do it not administration at the school. 

  • I don't think teachers should always have to hit students but if there parents aren't gonna do it at home or discipline them and if kids are being disrespectful or disrupting class then teachers should be allowed to give them a wrist slap or use a ruler.

  • I think that teachers - or anyone else - shouldn't be allowed to hit students. In my view, violence is not the right way of education and teaching children. I think that it should be banned in all 50 states. I also think that parents shouldn't hit or use violence against their children. 

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