Should school days be shorter?

Every week students are going to school almost 40 hours every week (8 hours, 5 days a week). Students also start their day very early in the morning When students are in school for longer they are able to learn more and they would have more time to get their homework done, but then teachers, some days have lessons that can take the whole 43 mins to give the lesson and leave no time to get homework done. Some students struggle to balance their life outside of school and school-work. Some students tend to put sports and their lifestyle and “not” have time to do their homework.  So shorter days for students would give them more time to balance school and their life outside of school. 

On the other hand, shortening school days would force schools to extend the days students are in school. In Iowa a student is required to be in school for atleast 1,080 hours every school year. Shortening days will only benefit the students that have sports and jobs after school and not those who have nothing. Shortening days for students affects all students not just high school and middle school students but kids in Primary and Intermediate too. Shortening these days can put many families in financial stress and really be draining for everyone in that family and parents will have a tough time finding someone to transport and care for their young child. 

    I get that school takes up a lot of time out of everyones day but students should have responsibility to get their homework done and balance their life outside of school. I believe that school should stay the same duration of hours that it is now. As i stated earlier shortening school effects all students and puts families into financial stress and shortening school is very selfish for those struggling as is with school being 8 hours. 


Do you think school days should be shortened?


What would you think if our school shortened the days? 

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  • I think school days should be shortened. As a kid who gets burnt out easily, by the end of my school day I have no energy for extracurriculars or events outside of school. Shorten days could benefit many students by allowing them to get more sleep or giving them more time for homework or family time.

    • Well being "burnt out" is just saying that you aren't getting the rest you need to get through the day 

  • I personally think  our school day should not be shortened. I feel like all kids are just fine with going to school until 3. If they did change it to shorter days I wouldn't have a problem but you can barely get stuff done with 40 min in class and can't get anything done with 30 min.

    • I agree, student can hardly get  everything done withen the 43 mins their given let alone trying to make them fit it in to a 20- 30 min class 

  • I think everyone could agree it would be nice to have shorter days but it might cause us to have to go to school longer in the summer. I would rather have longer days but not go for as many days. I think it would be nice so if you have a job you can get some extra hours in but I think it would do more harm than good. 

    • I agree, students reallt value getting that summer break and having shorter days can possibly take that 'summer break' away 

  • I think that it would be very nice to have a shorter workday. However, I think that people would not get enough work done. If we are cutting our classroom time we will not learn as much, which may mean that we would not have summer or winter break. I feel like students would be very unhappy about this decision and would not sacrifice for shorter days. 

    • I agree, its hard to adjust to things like changing the amount of time students are in school

  • I think it would be nice to have shorter days, but it would cause some issues. Some students would enjoy how it leaves them more time after school, but their would be problems with transporation or getting through the lessons. I think we should do early out every once in a while instead of shorts days. 

    • I agree, shortening days can cause lots of promblems

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