Should kids be able to pick classes?

           Though kids do not like school, should they be able to pick their own classes? There is a lot of controversy if kids pick their own classes they will like school way better and it will set them in the right way with what they wanna do after school. Also it is stated it lets kids have some steam off, they say start with small activities. Then move up to what they wanna do. Most kids want to go to college not into the work force right away, but if they offer classes that are in college most people will not want to go to college because they have already did it in highschool. People think that math is useless in highschool because you will never learn it in life, that is why people wanna pick the classes they want to do after highschool.




          A lot of people say that if school changed which they can pick there own classes many people would be happy. Also kids would have more responsibility and freedom. Also it leads students to want what they wanna do, if they don't wanna do that subject they can change to try something else before getting college. I also think that it could screw up some college places because no kids will wanna go to college because they have already did it in highschool. The school we have right now is also stressing kids out because they feel there is no point to Science,English,Math,etc.


        I personally think we should be able to pick classes we want to take because I will need that after school.,students%20are%20involved%20and%20engaged.

Do you think we should pick our own classes?


Do you think colleges would lose money?


Should the government make a change?


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    • Yes I agree, threre is really no point to them.

  • In my oppininon i feel like yes students should choose what classes they want to take because its what they want to learn about, and so you have a lot of knowladge for the future and so you kindda have an idea on what you want to focus about for your future.

    • Yes I agree 100%.

  • Yes, I believe that students should be able to choose their own classes.  I think that comes with being in high school. It helps students get ready for their future. I do not think that I should have to be in a choir class if I have no interest in the choir.  I think that it is a good think that they let us choose our classes.

  • I think that students should be able to pick what class they want to have. Students could pick a class that could help with what they are planning on doing in the future. Most of the classes we take in high school don't help with kids futures. So yes I think that students should be able to pick their classes.

  • I do think to some extent that students should be able to pick their classes. If a student is willing to take initiative on their schedule, I don't think that the school should be able to tell them that they can't further their education and get ahead of others around them.

    • I agree that school shouldnt be able to pick out schedule.

  • I think that students picking classes helps them learn in the classes they want to take. These kids can choose classes that can further their career after high schools. I would personally like to choose my own classes, because I could take trade school classes in high school rather than taking them later in life.

  • I think that students should be able to pick any class we want because we are choosing our future. There should definitely be some required classes, however, some of the required classes we have today are just useless for many students.

  • I think we should be able to choose our classes outside of the core classes. I think if you are able to do the classes that make you happy or that you enjoy doing then more people would work harder to do good in those classes.

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