Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, has just recently shared his thoughts on the major topic of climate change. Most people know that this is one of The Biden Administration's main focuses. Elon Musk agrees with them as far as the fact that Climate Change is real and that we need to do something about it. However, he does not want to go about it the same way. 

Many people who live in urban areas believe that farming is a main cause of Climate change. They think that the fertilizer we use harms the environment. They also believe that livestock is releasing a high amount of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. These may be partially true, but Elon Musk does not think that eliminating these problems is the right way to get rid of climate change.

Elon Musk is the founder of Tesla. He started this business to get more electric cars on the road. His idea behind this was that electric cars do not release harmful gases into the atmosphere. Elon Musk thinks that this is one way to help reduce climate change without hurting the farmers.

Personally, I do not think that the electric cars will make climate change any better. They cause many more bad gases to be released in the making and disposing of the batteries for these cars. However, I do appreciate Elon Musk sticking up for the farmers. He realizes that if the farming industry gets restrictions, the country will very likely run out of food. 


Do you believe in Climate Change?


Is putting farmers out of work the right way to fix Climate Change?




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  • I think that taking farmers out of work wouldn’t help climate change. We get most of the food and stuff from farmers and if we take farmers out of their jobs we won’t have most of the food. I think Elon Musk was doing the right thing to try and help climate change but I don't think he needs to take farmers out of work.

    • I agree that Elon Musk is standing up for the right group by saying that it is not all the farmers fault and they should not be put out of work. Farmers are needed to feed the country and Elon Musk realizes that if you take away their jobs, nobody will have food.

  • You can't put farmers out of work. 1. They all provide so much for United States. They take so much time and effort to grow and take care of thier crops and aninals. 2. That is their work, they own that land, that's how they make money and provide for their family. You can't just take everything away. 

  • I think that putting farmers out of work is not the way to fix climate change. I know that climate change is a real thing caused mostly by the human population.  I also appreciate Elon Musk for not trying to put farmers out of work by trying to help climate change.

    • I agree that it was a good thing for Elon Musk to help out the farmers and find a different way to go about climate change. He knows, unlike most of the government, that farming is one of the minor causes of climate change. And if we try to fix it by putting farmers out of work, then there will be no food for anyone.

  • Yes, I do believe that climate change is happening and that we have to do something about it. Therefore, I think that the farming industry also has to change. Obviously, it will still need to exist because we need food, but maybe the farming techniques will have to change in the future. 

  • Putting farmers out of work is not the way to fix climate change. I do not think that people who want to get rid of farming relize that there will be no food without farmers, let alone all of the products also made from farming. I also appreciate Elon Musk for not trying to put farmers out of work by trying to help climate change.

    • I agree that putting farmers out of work is not the best way. I also never considered all of the other products that come out of farming besides food, Corn makes ethanol and beans make biodiesel. If there was less of these crops, the price of fuel would have to be raised because there would be less of it overall.

  • I 100% believe in climate change. However, I don't think that taking farmers out of work is the right solutionf for this. We as people need food and farmers supply a lot of it. Farmers need to continue to supply food for the people so we can eat every day.

  • No, In my opion the whole cause of the climate change isn't becuases of the farmers. Yes they are a little bit of a cause, they are not the main reason. Climate change is a big deal but I also believe that it is used as a big deal but isn't really. Our farmers are doing just fine.

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