Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, has just recently shared his thoughts on the major topic of climate change. Most people know that this is one of The Biden Administration's main focuses. Elon Musk agrees with them as far as the fact that Climate Change is real and that we need to do something about it. However, he does not want to go about it the same way. 

Many people who live in urban areas believe that farming is a main cause of Climate change. They think that the fertilizer we use harms the environment. They also believe that livestock is releasing a high amount of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. These may be partially true, but Elon Musk does not think that eliminating these problems is the right way to get rid of climate change.

Elon Musk is the founder of Tesla. He started this business to get more electric cars on the road. His idea behind this was that electric cars do not release harmful gases into the atmosphere. Elon Musk thinks that this is one way to help reduce climate change without hurting the farmers.

Personally, I do not think that the electric cars will make climate change any better. They cause many more bad gases to be released in the making and disposing of the batteries for these cars. However, I do appreciate Elon Musk sticking up for the farmers. He realizes that if the farming industry gets restrictions, the country will very likely run out of food. 


Do you believe in Climate Change?


Is putting farmers out of work the right way to fix Climate Change?




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  • Putting farmers out of work would be the dumbest thing anyone could do. Farmers feed this world and run this economy so that would be ridiculous. I agree with Elon Musk on the fact that eliminating farmers is not the correct way to get rid of climate change.

  • I do not think that eletric cars are any better for the enviorment than anything else that is out there already. There is so much worse things with in the eletric car, the gasses they create are deathly. I think Elon musk has been the bigger person and has realized what farmers do.

    • I agree that electric cars are not any better than any of the ones we have that are gas. The batteries are terrible for the environment when they are disposed, as well as the fact that there are so many polutants pumped out into the air, just to make the energy that goes into these cars.

  • I dont really think climate change is a big deal and by putting farmers out of work wont be benificial to anyone. I think that if climate change was that bad schientist would have found betters ways to deal with it. I think that they should keep everything the same and not put farmers out of work. 

  • Climate change can be helped with the changing of many different things, but I think that putting farmers out of work isn't exactly what anyone is wanting in order to stop it. Many of the practices farmers use actively add to climate change, so maybe evolution in the ways farmers do things is in order. 

  • I think climate change is a thing, but just like covid, people blow it out of proportion and freak out for no reason. I don't think farmers should be put out of work to "help" climate change, because farming is how they get their money to support their families and a lot of farms grow food that we eat. So it wouldn't be logical for them to put farmers out of work.

    • I agree that it is like covid and people just blow it out of proportion. I think that it might be real, but it is not as big of a deal that the media makes it out like it is. Esspecially for the farmers and rural people. If you look at where the smog is, it is in the cities, so that is where most of the problem is.

  • I think climate change is real but I think the media blows it way out of proportion. No, putting farmers out of work is the worst way to slow climate change. If you stop the farmers Americans and other countries will starve because they won't have food.

    • I agree that the media blows it out of proportion. I think that it is a cover up by the democrats. They are trying to get everyone all worried about climate change while in the mean time, they are doing stuff behind our backs.

  • Climate change is a big issue to some people, but I don't think it's that big of a deal.  I also don't think it is right at all to put farmers out of work to fix climate change, because I really don't think that will change anything besides the fact that we won't have crops.

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