Mr.Bruns is one of few teachers that offers extra credit opportunities to students. Extra credit is a great way for students to increase their grade %. “So if extra credit helps students’ grades, why don’t we have extra credit in every class?” The problem with that question is the fact that many teachers dislike extra credit. Some people believe in extra credit opportunities, while others don’t. So which side of this argument should be supported?


There are many good reasons why Mr.Bruns and other teachers offer extra credit opportunities. For starters, it helps students have better grades and a better chance of passing the class. If you are a student who struggles, you can put in some more time into the class in order to receive extra credit. Mr.Bruns offers note taking, reading History/CWI chapters, ect, in order to receive extra credit. This is a great way to help students in his class. If extra credit opportunities were given out in more classes, it could definitely benefit many students' grades. 


Although extra credit seems too good to be true, there are some cons to it. Many teachers respond to this argument saying that students will focus more time on extra credit, and less time on studying for test and/or doing homework. Students might spend a whole night working on extra credit assignments, and forget about their homework that was assigned, or their test that is coming up. Another argument that is issued is that it is simply not fair to all students. According to marktomforde, “you can't base one student's final grade on homework and exams, and then base another student's final grade on an "extra credit" project. It is simply not fair.”


Mr.Bruns has a cap amount of extra credit that a student can receive every semester. In my opinion, I think this is a great and fair way to give students extra credit opportunities. I believe that every teacher should be required to offer some extra credit opportunities. However, it should be the teacher's choice on how many opportunities he or she is willing to offer. Some students simply just struggle with classes no matter how much they study. So extra credit is a great way to help a student out. Plus, extra credit is a great way of studying for classes too!.


Do you take advantage of extra credit opportunities?


Do you think that extra credit opportunities should be offered to students? If so, should all teachers be required to offer them? 

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  • I take advantage of extra credit sometimes. I think that if teachers give some extra crdit opportunities because kids will have better grades in classes. It will helps kids with test because if I fail a test I would want a chances to get the grade up a little bit. Teachers could only give 5 extra credit opportunities and I would still do it just so I could help my grade a little bit. So yes I think teachers should give extra crdit opportunities in classes. 

    • Everyone deserves a second chance. And I like to think of extra credit like that. A second chance for those who may need it. 

      • I agree. Sometime I might do bad on a test and need some points. Meaning I need a second chance. So I think that everyone deserves a second chance and can get some extra credit to bump up their grade a bit. 

        • Exactly. Second chance opportunities are huge in high school. Whether it's taking a retest or some extra credit. 

  • I think that every teacher should have the option for students to do extra credit. Some students don't do well at all during tests or quizzes and they are weighted the most compared to homework. That will bring lots of student's grades down and possibly failing so they can't do activities after school.

    • I agree with the fact that activities play a big part. I think that all students should be gived the opportunity to have extra credit so they can play. 

  • I don't take advantage of extra credit opportunities as I already have good grades. I don't thin extra credit should be given out. I believe that extra credit is just a freebe for students that are failing. By requiring all teachers to have extra credit, you would expand the education gap between failing kids and advanced kids.

    • I see what you're saying, however, the school wants people to succeed and reach their full potential. So they really want everyone to pass, so I understand why some teachers have extra credit. 

  • In some class I take advantage of extra credit. I think that it helps many students out because some people are not good in school and people need extra work to get their grade up. I think that all teacher should be required to give extra credit but shouldn't be required to do the work.

    • I agree. Sometimes it just depends on the class and if it is worth doing the extra work or not. 

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