Shark Attack Accidents

                  We all have heard of sharks, we fear them, admire them, and get eaten by them. But we do realize that sharks don’t eat humans so why is it that Shark attacks have spiked in the passed year. Tyler Bowling shares his theory with all of  Florida. “ On land, we are on the top, in the water, we are in their territory. It’s not a secret that sharks rule the ocean. Beaches belong to them as well. The more we swim in the water, the more shark attacks will occur.” So in short the sharks aren’t trying to eat humans, in fact human flesh doesn’t taste well to sharks, but what they’re actually doing is letting us know we’re breaking a boundary and are stepping into their homes. It doesn’t help us any that when we swim or even make a small movement in the waters sharks detect it with their sixth sense. When you look at a picture of a shark there are black dots on their noses, no they’re not freckles, those black dots are actually sensors. They pick up any water movements in the ocean from 330 miles away. 


If you came face to face with a shark what would be the first thing you do? 

What other reasons do you think sharks are attacking humans? 

This one is a little weird, but if sharks we were able to communicate with us, what do you think they would say to us? 


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  • I would probably just try to hit it then get away. They are probably mistaking them for other thinsg that they would eat, and more people than ever are going to beaches in big cities. They would probably tell us to get the heck away from them.

  • Honestly I have no idea what I would do and I would probably panic. Maybe people are just in the wrong place at the wrong time and the shark attacks out of defense for itself. Get away from me or I will eat you.

  • If I ever came face to face with a shark I would be obviously freaking out inside, but I would try and stay calm to make no sudden movements. I think that it totally makes sense that we are the ones who are invading their territory so we shouldn't bother them. I think we have all heard that shark are more afraid of us then we are of them, so I don't think they would say much. 

  • I think the first thing I would do is eather stay calm and not move or still stay calm and swim away as gently as possible without alurting the shark. I think that sharks just do it eather eat or just because there mean animals and they like to attack anything they can see or smell. I think that if the could communicate they would probelly tell us to stop poluting there oceans with all the junk were thowing in the water.

  • If I came face to face with a shark I would get really scared and go into shock. At the moment I would not know what to do, I would try to start to swim away slowly. I think the reason that they are attacking humans is becuase they think we are seals or other animals because they need to eat too. If they could talk then I think they would tell us to stay away from their territory. 

  • If i came face to face with a wild shark in the ocean i would do many things. One of the things i would do is stay calm and not move fast because i dont want it to think im injured while im flopping around. I think sharks are eating people because they are hungery and are eating people because they are easy prey and they might be filling.

  • The first thing I would do, would be to go into shock. I would be so scared at the moment and not know what to do. If I happen to not go into shock, I would try my best to remain calm. I think sharks would try to tell us to get away from their territory.

  • I would try to calmly, but fastly swim away. I wouldn't want to scare or make the shark want to attack. I think sharks attack humans because the sharks think it's their territory and they are supposed to protect it.

  • I would try to swim away as calmly as possible to not provoke the shark to attack. I believe sharks are attacking humans because they aren't the smartest and usually go after anything in the sea that's moving for another quick meal. Sharks attacking humans is way less than humans attacking sharks. It isn't really something you should have to worry about since it happens so rarely. Just being in the wrong spot at the wrong time could effect your entire life.

  • If I came face to face with a shark I honestly don't really know what I would do. I would probably try and punch it in the eyes so it couldn't see then it's nose because I have heard people say that will make it swim away. I think sharks attack humans because they are curious. Sharks they find out what things are by biting them, so that would explain why so many people get bit but not really attacked. 

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