Public School Lunch Costs.

In 1946, president Hary Truman signed a law establishing nationwide public school lunches. Public schools have provided free lunches for all students for the past two years. Ever since the pandemic, free school lunches have ended for most schools. Many people argued that you should not be educating children on how they are able to just get free handouts from the government, referring to free meals. As of right now, California, Colorado, and Maine have made a continuing policy to have free public school lunches. 


Why should schools provide free lunches? Having lunch during school is essential, all schools have to provide meals for students. Different studies show that when students get free and reduced lunches they aren't worrying about where their food is coming from. It has also been proven that free or reduced lunches decrease obesity rates and increase the good health of students. Many low-income families can not afford the cost of school lunches all year round. So free and reduced lunches help lessen the burden for not only these families but also all families. 


Negatives effect of free and reduced lunch. One example of a negative effect is that schools that have a high volume of students who take advantage of free lunch are not given as much funding as schools that have fewer kids who use the free and reduced lunch plan. Another negative consequence of free lunch is some parents may feel that they have to use this "plan" even if the lunch their children are served at school is less nutritional and less filling than a lunch brought from home. 


In my opinion, I think that school lunches should be free. Personally, it makes the most sense. I guess it really does not affect us students as much, mainly affects our parents or who pays for the lunch. I feel having free school lunch is one less things for families to worry about, especially lower class. 



-  Do you think all schools should have free lunches? Why or why not?

- Should they at least lower the costs of the lunches right now?

- What people are the non-free lunches going to affect the most?



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  • I think schools should have free lunches. A kid shouldn't go hungry because they don't have money for food. Lunch costs could and should be lowered. Many kids do bring lunches, but they only do that because the school lunch may not be that good. People who are low income or people who cannot afford paying for food are going to be affected the most. Free lunches at school gives kids at least one meal a day.

  • I don't think that all schools should have free lunches, as they would cost a lot of money to keep up. We've seen an example of this the past couple of years with covid. the program took a couple billion dollars to upkeep over two years, which is a lot for a government program.

  • I do think that we should have to pay some money for school lunches and they shouldn't be free. I think that the cost of the lunch should be lowered considering the food that they give the students. Although it may not be a problem for most familes there are probably some families who are unable to pay for the lunches so lowering the cost would help. 

    • I can agree with part of what you are saying. The cost of the lunches could be lowered because of what they are serving us, it's not always worth the money. 

  • I think that everybody should pay for school lunches because it can help get us better lunches. I think that if you are unable to pay you should still be able to eat but I think that the school could give them a cheaper options so they are able to pay for them. 

    • I could see how it could help us have better meals. The school could fund the families who are not able to pay for the lunches or could try to help them out a little bit. 

  • I don't think school lunches should be free but if we are going to pay money they should at least give us some decent food. I think they should definitely lower the cost based on the food they give us now and I think it affects low income families when they have to pay a lot for lunches.

  • I think that the lunches should be free for all students, the lunches aren't the best as it is. I do believe that a la carte should still cost money because that isn't made by the school.

    • Yes, I think that we should have to pay for all-a-cart since it is "extra" or "additional" food. 

  • I think that the option of free lunch should be up to the schools. The government has options and plans for those families that can't afford to pay for school lunches. I do believe that the quality of the lunches could be better since we're paying for them.

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