Prince Was Prepared To Die?

Back in 1990’s Prince was diagnosed with HIV but just last year it developed into AIDs. He was diagnosed with AIDs just 6 months before his death. AIDs caused him to have several medical and health issues. His weight dropped to 80 pounds, blood count was low, his body temperature was 94 which is dangerous considering the normal is 98.6, he was iron-deficient, weak and disoriented, he barely ate, and he couldn’t keep anything down. He was also having skin problems and color disorientation of the skin.

He also had influenza at his time of death which is believed to be the cause of his death because he was not able to fight off the influenza because he had AIDs.He did not want treatment for AIDs because he believed God would cure him. He was found in his elevator unconscious and unresponsive in his elevator at his home in Chanhassen, Minnesota. He was pronounced dead at 10:07 a.m on Thursday, April 21.

Read the full story here. and here.


1. Do you think Prince should have got the medical attention that he refused?

2. Prince also received an autopsy. Do you think influenza and AIDs were the cause of his death or do you believe something else caused this?

My Opinion: I think that he should follow his beliefs. If he was a religious believer and believed God would heal him then no I don’t think he should’ve got treatment. I think that influenza and AIDs was the cause of his death especially with all the health issues he was having. I hope that it wasn’t anything else. But, you never know.

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  • I think if he wanted to die and didn't want to spend the money and keep fighting, so be it. It's his life, and sure he will missed, but he should have a say in his own life. I am sure it at least played a big role in his death but maybe an overdose or something could have set it off.

    • Totally agree it is his life and let him do what he wants. I'm sure that it would cost a lot for treatment and everything like you said as well. He should have a say in his life. 

  • I would not ever sacrifice my health in the hopes that someone who I do not know is there would heal me. In my opinion, nobody should rely on God to heal them.

    I haven't heard any other conspiracy theories regarding his death, and AIDS and the flu seem plausible enough to me, especially because it was confirmed in autopsy.

  • It's all about the persons beliefs. Some people think that if they pray and are good and holy, the their God will heal them. Some think that the whole God thing is a load of crap. Medicine and religion have never mixed well because of conspiracy theories about if God is real and if Medicine is actually helping people. If he believed that God would heal him because he prayed and asked for forgiveness and made Him his higher power, then so be it. There isn't a cure for AIDS, but there's management. It's not healing you, just prolonging death. But, if he thought, "I'm going to die anyway, what's the point?", then I understand it. Like I said, It's not healing you, It's just prolonging death. 

    • Totally agree it's all about the persons beliefs. It prolongs your death and if he wanted to die or he was ready to go then let him. 

    • I agree with your comment It's not healing you, It's just prolonging death. He didn't want to suffer even if it did temporarily heal him. He knew his death was coming and maybe he was at a time in his life where he was ready to go.

  • Even if he did he would die eventually, but yes he should have gotten it even if he said no. I believe AIDS and the Influenza were the cause because since  AIDS weakens the immune system and Influenza is already deadly with a normal immune system the AIDS just made it more deadly and so the Influenza eventually got to him.

  • I think the best option for him was to get the medication but if he didne want it they have to respect his desicion. I think he was already preparated to die and he knew that this was coming. The influenza only gave him the last warning of his dead.

  • I think if someone is in need to medical treatment they should get it, he probably was ready to go and i have heard different stories of how he went so i dont know what to believe 

  • I don't think that he should have had medical treatment if he disagreed with it. I'm sure he was ready to go and the influenza was the final point of his body fighting against his other health issues.
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