Is The Internet Making Us Stuipd?

In my opinion it is the internet making us stupid because there are more people that rely on the internet than books. I think that the Internet has reduced our ability to focus changed how our memory functions promoted skimming text over deep critical reading and changed how we interact with people. There are more people out in the world that rely on the internet then books. I think that people use the internet too much and rely on it. There are books out there that can help you figure out your problem instead of using the internet. The Internet has destroyed our ability to focus on and satisfactorily complete one task at a time. I think that the internet is way easier to complete a task then using a book even though using a book takes more time then using the internet is way easier to look something up. I also think that using the internet is taking over more jobs because there are some jobs that you can work from home and not even go into and work in the office. The internet has provided access to people in a way we have never before experience Information that was once accessed through print materials that were not available to everyone and often out of date. The internet took over so much when coivd was around because at the school people used the internet to do online learning. Out on the internet there are a lot of websites that are not reliable. In my opinion there are too many people that rely on the internet.


Do you think the internet is making us stuipd?

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  • the internet is not making us stupid its just the poeple using the internet its not the thing that makes up stupid it gives access to information some people rely on the internet but others dont so its kinda dumb to relate the internet to stupidity when thers more issues than the internet

  • To some extent the internet is making us stupider, it really just depends on the person who's using it. Using the internet as a source of information isn't a bad thing, either, because the information we get from the internet is information other people got from books or experiences. 

  • I believe that the internet makes us a little stupid and a little smart but not completely numbing us for education. People use the internet too much and rely on it. Covid-19 forced to go more online and thousands of people around the world work from home. But you can do mostly everything on the internet: shopping, selling, banking, education, information, and mapping. There are so many more options.

  • I dont think its making us stupid but I can see why people could see it that way since people can just look stuff up instead of thinking it out. However, after you look it up you know it for next time so some could argue its making us smarter. I dont think its making us smarter or dumber but I do think if anything its making us lazy. 

  • I feel like the internet is making us stupid because not all videos or social media is factual for everyone to learn. Its filled with dumb videos that can effect the way we act and that can make us stupid. I do think that some of the internet is factual and helps us gain knowledge.

  • I think that in theory the internet makes us more stupid but also helps a lot. Having the internet has caused some jobs to be taken over, but it has also created jobs. Because there is internet, there will always need to be someone to fix internet problems. So in theory it is also making people smarter because there has to be some smart people to fix the problems.

  • I would not say that the internet is making us stupid, but I would say it makes us more lazy. Although there are many untruthfull things that are on the internet, it is a helpful tool and can be a good source of entertainment. I do believe that our society relies on it a little too much though.

  • I don't think that the internet is making people stupid, but I do think that it makes us do "bad" things and gets us to believe in things that we should not believe in. The internet can teach us a lot of useful things that we do not learn in school. I think that in some ways it makes us more intelligent, but I can see why some people say it makes us "stupid."

  • I don't think the internet is making us stupid, but I do think that people rely on it too much. I think it can be a great tool for learning if you use it the right way. You have to be careful and make sure that you don't believe everything you see on the internet. 

  • I don't think that the internet is making us stupid, I think too many people rely on it for too many things but it is not making us stupid. the internet makes things easier to look up but at the same time more misinformation is spread so more people get wrong information.

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