Schools are required by state law to have annual drills in emergency situations. On March 4, 1908, the Lake View school in Collinwood, Ohio caught ablaze due to a furnace overheating. The teachers and staff remained calm and let the students talk among themselves as they exited. This was the worst school fire in history taking 172 students, 2 teachers, and 1 rescuer. Ever since then schools and other public buildings have been finding safer and easier ways to exit the building. Now schools teach their students that walking in a single file line and staying quiet is the best way out of the situation. Is this the best way though?
In case of a fire students are supposed to be quiet and listen to the teacher’s instructions. Line up at the door in a single file manner. Quietly walk outside the building until reaching a safe area. As well as in a tornado situation. It is taught to walk quietly to the designated area in the school.
I think that lining up in a single file line in a fire/tornado situation is a good way to get out of the school in a fire or get to a safe place. I think this because it allows the teachers and school staff to get everyone out safe. I also think that staying quiet really helps get everyone out of the situation much quicker than not. At first I thought that lining up was just a waste of valuable time but now it makes sense to me.
What do you think about walking in a single file line during an emergency?
Would you change the way the school has it now?
I agree that there can be good and bad outcomes to wallking in a single file line during an emergency. I see how in some situations it is best to get out as fast as possible, but people will more likely get hurt. I do agree that sometimes it depends on the situation.
I don't really know if walking in a straight line is going to be benifical in real situation like a fire, because it will take a lot more time to get people out. And if you just all worry about getting out, and not getting into a straight line, everyone will be out faster.
I think that staying calm in situations like a fire breaking out in school is crucial to the survival of everyone. Kids can be hard to manage in the most neutral environments, but when you throw in scary ideas a lot could go wrong. Obviously, the exiting of children needs to be swift and safe, but keeping them in a structured line could keep them in order.
I agree that staying calm in an emergency is beneficial for everyone. Being loud and chaotic can scare students even more than they already may be. I also agree that lines need to be quick and safe at the same time.
I can see some positives to walking in a single file line like knowing where all the students are and its not messy. But in reality everyone is just going to want to run and go outside expecially if there is a fire or shooting. I would say that we still keep it organized but in a better way.
I don't think it is beneficial to walk in a single file line during an emeregency. If anyones lives are on the line they are going to do whatever they can to get out of there. I think people should just let their insticts kick in and get out as quick as they can.
I understand that if someones life was in danger they would do everything in their power to save themself. However, I think that if everyone stayed in lines it would be less chaotic and would keep everyone less prone to unneeded injuries.
I think it is not beneficial to do single file walking in an emergency. In a rush I think everyone should get out as fast as they can. Taking your time and not moving fast could cause more incidents. People should sprint out and get to safety as soon as they can, it would be much better.
I think it depends a lot on what the situation is, if you have a little bit of time to get where you need to be it is very easy to keep kids in line and keep track of them. I think that if you need to get out and get going I think you should just get out as fast as you can.
I do agree that sometimes it does depend on the situation that someone is in and that your situation isn't life or death than I think that everyone should stay in a line. It would help the first responders know if anyone is trapped inside the building still or not.