Is Online Schooling More Effective than In-person?

 Online school started around the late 1900s. The first online school was a class at a college that was broadcasted in 1953. Online classes on the computer started in 1989. Today 1 in every 4 college students is registered in at least one college course. 

Taking online classes gives students time to work at their own pace. Online classes also help people have time to earn a college degree while working full-time and away from campus. People like online classes for the reasons of class flexibility, self-discipline, and money.

People like the class flexibility because they get to choose when to take the course during their day. Self-discipline is also helpful with online classes as students will have more independence and control over their education. Sometimes people don’t have money to pay for traditional dorm rooms, books, gas, laundry, meals, and classes. So while working on classes online they can still have a full-time job. Statistics show that 77% of academic teachers think online education is equal to physical education. 

With traditional school, you have less control over how your schedule looks. If your school doesn't have many extra classes to help with the degree you want to receive, you have to fill your schedule with study halls or other classes. In-person schools can also be a difficult thing for the community, if you go to a school that gets a lot of snow and ice over the winter it can be dangerous. With online school, you have more control over how your schedule looks because there are more options for classes online. With online schools, you can do the work from your room and don’t have to worry about the commute with dangerous conditions.

In my opinion, if Harlan offered online classes I feel I would take them. I think I would have more of a variety of classes to choose from that would help me with the degree I want to receive. Some people learn better with in-person schooling and others would learn better with online classes. People like online classes due to the fact they get to choose their classes and the independence that come with them. Others like in-person classes due to the fact they are listening to what the teacher is teaching. Classes in person can make it harder for distractions to appear. 


If you had a choice to do online school would you take it? And why?

Do you think you would do better with in-person schooling or online? And why?

Do you think all schools should offer online classes?

Sources: every,learn%20butter%20 via%20online%20classes.

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  • I think I would choose a mix between online and in-person school. I like the flexibility that online school offers. However, if I would only take online classes I think I would miss the interaction with people too much. Furthermore, I also like more to solve and discuss problems in-person.

    • I agree with you, we have many classes here. For the career, I want to become, we don't have many classes to benefit me or others. That is why having some classes online would be beneficial for many students.

  • I would much rather have in-person class than online-class. I did not have a great impression on it during COVID-19. Because of everyone being confused, it caused be to hate online school. 

    • I can see how during Covid-19 and the online schooling students took could have given you a bad impression of it. 

  • I think in online school peop;e don't pay attention as much as in person school. I would take in person school probably. Some classes could be offered online for students who are sick and can not attened school so they dont get behind on their school work.

  • Personally, I don't think this should be an option. Teachers would have to teach in school and outside, they would have to make videos for those other students and it's more work for the teachers. I also think it's harder to focus on online school. Students aren't very mature with online school. Therefore, I think students should not get the choice between online and in person school. 

    • I agree with you, some students are mature enough to do online school or classes but some are. That is why I think they should still be offered even if it is just one online class during your study hall. 

  • I think that if online schooling was offered I would definitely consider it. It would allow me to do lessons and homework on my own time and would allow me to do other -things during the day than just school. However, I believe that in-school learning would be more effective because it forces me to pay attention and there are due dates. I think that online classes should be offered.

    • I can see how in-person school can force students to pay attention. I also think that online classes should be offered.

  • I think that if i had the option to do online school I would because then you could get all of your work done and start working so you are financially ready for when you graduate. I think that I would do better in online schools now because most of the teachers are not good teachers and I could learn better online.

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