Is Middle Child Syndrome Real?

Middle child syndrome is where the middle child or also known as the "forgotton child", has a different personality due to the order of their birth and their siblings birth. For an example, oldest children are known for being for authoritive, stong willed and feeling powerful because of the high exeptations they hold from their parents. Youngest children are known for being spoiled and never being able to rise above their siblings. Middle children are known for quiet personalitys and have trouble fitting in due to being sandwitched between their siblings their personalitys are thought to be overshadowed by their siblings. Middle child syndrome is thought to have trouble feeling equal to their siblings in parental relationships. Middle children are thought to be jealous and needy for their parents attention and love. I personally am a middle child, I don't think this could be true for everyone but true for some. I can relate to the theory on a few levels and agree with the feel for attention but disagree with the personalitys, because it just depends on the person and not really birth order. 


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Is Middle child syndrome real?

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    • I agree that parents are mostly distracted by their youngest and eldest, but the middle child is not always the most behaving, in some cases the middle child misbehaves to get attention but that is just my personal opinion, and it differs from familys. 

  • I think that it depends on the family or the kids personality. I think it could be real for some but not everyone I think it depends on the kids personality and how social they are, not if they are a middle child or not. I am not a middle child, and I don't think its real for every family. 

  • yes middle child syndrome is real. Being the middle child is the best, you can see what to do from the younger child so you stay under the raydar and what not to do from the older sibling. The oldest is the test dumby and the youngest gets whatever they want. 

  • I think middle child syndrome is real because when you are the baby of the family then you do not get attention, it can affect people negatively since they are not getting the attention they were used to before. I am not a middle child. 

  • I don't think that this is a real thing because of all the people that have kids and that doesn't mean that the middle one is going to have a down syndrome just because they're the middle kid in that family. There are a lot of people that their oldest kids have down syndrome and and many that have kids that their youngest kids might have it.

  • I personally am not a middle child but I don't know if middle child syndrome is real. I do think that is some families you can see a difference with the middle child but that does not apply to every family. So overall I am unsure that middle child syndrome is always the case in every family.

  • I'm not a middle child but it's quite the opposite in my family. There are two middle children and they are both favored and have the opposite personality so it definitely just varies in the family. I guess you can say it's real, but it doesn't apply to everyone.

    • I agree with you, it can be relatable for many families but if varies.

  • I don't think middle child syndrome applied to every family, I think it just depends on their personality and the way that the middle child acts. For my family personally, the middle child doesn't seem they act like have middle child syndrome, I think it just varies on the family.

  • I think that depending on the family, middle child syndrome can be real. But I think it can also be somewhat on the kid. It depends how the kid acts and how they interact. I think in some families there probably are kids that go through this, but in others its mostly just how the kid acts.

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