After a study in 2018 even though it's a small precentage around 4.7% of pregnant women were using marijuana and 5.4% were reported of using marijuana in 2019,according to a government study. An analysis says, "more than 10,000 children aged 11 and 12 revealed that exposure to marijuana in utero was assoicated with a higher risk of developing disorders such as ADHD, aggressive behavior, and rule-breaking behavior."  Using marijuana during pregnancy instead of using prescription drugs to help with headaches increases the chance of the baby having long term problems with behavior or cognition.


The ABCD (Adolesent Brain Cognitive Develpoment) study is a long term study, which is supported by the National Institutes of Health has been tracking the brain development of about 12,000 children using MRI scans. The brain scans of children "Showed a hint of a potential impact of cannabis," said the study's first author, David Baranger, a postdoctoral research associate Washington University in St. Lous.




I understand completly that pregnant women can do what they want to during their 9 months of pregnancy, but is taking a drug that'll change their child long term and even change them mentally better than taking a prescribe drug that'll take a little bit longer to kick in but still help.  I think it would be better if the 4.7% and the 5.4% of women should take the choice of not using marijuana during pregnanacy.




Do you think it's safe for women too use marijuana during pregnancy?




What do you feel about pregnant women using marijuana for nausea?

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  • I think that it should be up to the patient.  If the patient chooses to use marijuana for a medication they should be aware of the side effects it may cause. As long as the patient signs the paperwork stating that the hospital or care facility will not be fined if anything happens to the patient. I would not advise using marijuana as an antibiotic, but if the patient wants it they can have it. 

  • I think that if women choose to use marijuana during their pregancy for nausea they are being selfish. They are not think about their baby. They are just thinking about what they could do to make it better at the moment which is selfish. 

    • I agree. Taking marijuana as a shortcut to excaping nausea is being selfish the parents need to think about the baby first and not just themselves. What they do during the pregnancy affects the baby too.

  • Personally, I do not think that it is safe for women to use marijuana during pregnancy. I do not even believe that the women should be using it in the first place either. It is a parent's duty to keep their child safe and give them a good childhood. By doing drugs, alchohol, and smoking when they are pregnant, they are creating a chance for their kid to have a worse life just by being irrisponsible. Instead of using marijuana for nausea, pregnant women should use a safe medicine that won't affect their child.

    • I agree it is a parents duty to keep their child safe. Using marijuana to try and fix nausea is not the safe way of fixing nasuea.  Worrying about your childs well being throughout life should be the number one priority.

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