Is it better to be involved within your school?

A debate that is not often talked about, but sometimes thought about is the idea of whether or not being active within your school is beneficial or not. One side of the argument feels that if a student is more active in school, it is overall beneficial and better for the student overall. Others claim that besides mandatory classes, a student should not have distractions holding them back from performing to their highest potential in the classroom.

Some pros to being active in your school and clubs such as Best Buddies, Student Council, NHS, and others, is it helps you learn cognitive skills. Another benefit is it helps a student learn social skills and communication skills. If a student is willing to step out of their comfort zone and be willing to stand out in clubs, it could potentially enhance their abilities to get a better job in the future. And the last reason I will mention is the idea that it teaches responsibility. If a student has the ability to balance school, clubs, and activities, it prepares them for the real world. It prepares students for their adult ages because as adults, many people will realize that balancing a work life, home life, relationships, and family life can be much harder than we realize as high school students. Overall getting more involved in school is super beneficial and super important for learning life-long lessons.

On the other hand, some people feel as if it is a distraction. Many would say that their student or child should be more focused on grades and academic accomplishments. Others feel that clubs are restrictive. Meaning that you can’t participate in them if you don’t have rides to and from, if you are struggling with money, or home lives, or anything that could hold someone back from joining a club. But, I think as a school district, we do a very good job of allowing everyone and anyone the opportunity to get involved. 

So overall, I think that getting involved within your school and community is vital. There are so many lessons to be learned outside of the classroom, and getting involved is one way to learn. 


Do you think that being involved more is better for you?

Would be involved more make you more social? 


Real Benefits Behind Becoming Involved in School Activities - Florida National University (



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  • I think it depends on each student's individual goals. I know many of my peers who work nearly every day of the week. Most school clubs do not fit into their schedule. Some students would prioritize clubs and find ways around that, and some would favor their job more. I don't think clubs make or break a student's success since everyone has different goals.

  • Yes, I think if you are more involved with your school then you will make more friends and have more fun while you do stuff in school. I also think that there are better thinks to do in life then just be in the school all day.

  • I think it's good for you to be involved; however, not so much so that you start to burn out. I am in many fine arts activities such as jazz band, chamber choir, and the spring musical: with all that going on, you start to feel tired because some days you're at the school for upwards of thirteen hours. In the end, I think it's good to be involved and to put yourself out there, but to do so in moderation.

  • I think that being involved in other school activities can be much fun. In Germany, we barely have any after school activities. I really enjoy having all the sports and clubs that American high schools offer. I feel like it is a great way to spend time with your friends and it strenghtens the school spirit. 

  • I think it depends on the person and what they are trying to get involved in. There are kids that are great athletes and get involved in their schools' sports and it not only helps the athletics but kids can grow and become better people. But there are people that have to have jobs and can't do so.

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