First on the list of environmental issues in China is air pollution. The country’s poor air quality is not exactly news. Since the beginning of its industrial expansion and economic boom in the late 1970s – which lifted 800 million people out of poverty and saw the country’s GDP grow at an average  for four decades – the quality of air has progressively deteriorated.  There is estimated average of 1.2 million premature deaths every year. It is estimated that roughly come from the industrial sector, with 40% from the power – mainly coal – and 8% from the transport industry. China's air pollution is the 13th largest pullouted country. Air Pollution in China goes back all the way to 2,000 years ago. The air pollution is mostly caused by humans. In 2014 China declared war against pollution and they battled against poverty.

environmental issues in China




What do you think about Air Pollution?

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    • I agree that air pollution effects Health because there are people out there that I know that have lung cancer and respiratory diseases from the bad air quliaty.

  • I think it is good that China is trying to improve their enviornmental state. I did not know that China had a large problem with polution and I would be curious to see what the countries with worse polution are. I wonder where the United States falls on this list.

    • I'm on the same page with China trying to improve their enviornmental state because China is one of the most pollution state. 

  • I have seen videos of the pollution in China and you can hardly see 200 yards in front of you it sounds very difficult to drive in or play sports in. They should probably do something about it soon or things are gonna get really bad and might not be able to see at all. 

    • Yeah I agree the visablity is so bad and is difficult to drive or do anything. I hope they try to make things better for people becuase all this pollution is just nuts.

  • bump


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