Is allowing student to play games at school a good idea

Some say they provide experiential learning for the students that play games. Doing so teaches students relative skills more suited to the era. One such skill is creative problem solving which is the best for the future workplaces , according to the organization for economic co-operation and development. Games where students solve math problems in a fantasy environment, can help students master skills such as critical thinking.


Others may say that playing video games messes with people's sleep schedule or job/school work, then you’d much rather have to take a step back and reschedule your time limits. Some people worry about the health issues that come with playing games too much like damaged eyesight, lack of exercise, violent tendencies, even seizures.

I personally think that allowing kids the freedom to play games is a great idea. I feel like if students are allowed to play games they would be more focused when they are in class.


Do you believe that games should be allowed in school?


Do you think that games should only be limited to home?

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  • I think allowing kids to play games in school is good. I feel that we need breaks. We need time to let our brains relax and playing games for 10 minutes won't hurt. I feel games are good for the soul. Good topic. 

  • I think that as long as you don't have class work to do and the teacher is not giving out important information than you should be allowed to play games. I don't think games should be limited to home. If the game is not violent appropriate for students than there should be no issues.

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