Is a vegan diet really healthy?

So what does being a vegan really mean? Veganism is defined as “the practice of abstaining from the use and consumption of animals or animal products.” But the controversial question is, is being vegan really healthy, or is it just a recent movement and “trend”?


A vegan diet can cause those to lose nutrients such as vitamin B12, creatine, carnosine, vitamin D3 and many more. Although there are supplements and vitamins for those eating a vegan diet, there are some nutrients you simply can’t get from plants. Some also say that veganism can lead to poor dietary choices. The thought of this diet can also cause unrealistic expectations for some. 


Many people convert to a vegan diet for ethical or environmental concerns. For some, it also offers a “healthier lifestyle”. There have not been many studies of those on a vegan diet, but those who are vegan believe it is a healthier way to live. There are also many different types of vegan diets. Some vegans use supplements and vitamins to get those missing nutrients in their diet. As veganism is growing, there are becoming more plant alternatives, which can include those nutrients.


I believe that a vegan diet can be healthy if done correctly. If not done correctly, I think it can be damaging and leave a bad reputation for veganism. I  would never do a vegan diet, as my family eats a lot of beef, chicken, and pork along with using a large amount of animal products. 

Do you think veganism is healthy?


Would you ever try a vegan diet?


What are your thoughts on veganism?


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  •  I personally think eating vegan is a lifestyle choice helps curtain people but some people don’t get the nutrients from the plants, some people take supplements to help the body from getting malnutritioned, but overall it is not a bad lifestyle

  • I've been vegan before, it's not always healthy but if you have the proper foods it can be healthy and just as nutritious without meat. However, it takes dedication to live this type of way. It's much more easier to just eat actual meat for the proper nutrients. 

    • I agree that is it a big dedication. In my opinion, eating meat is the easiest and healthiest option to get the nutrients you need.

  • I don't think that vegan diets are the healthiest options. I think that you should have protein from meats. I would never go on a vegan diet, ever. I think some could be a healthy option but I think that the "meats" better known as fake meat probably has worse things in it. 

  • Maybe vegan diets could be healthy, but I don't think that most of them are. I would never go on a vegan diet. I eat a lot of beef to get protein. I don't see how a vegan could get in enough protein with just plants. Throughout human evolution, meat has always been a part of our diet.

    • I agree. It takes a lot of dedication for a vegan diet to be healthy. In my opinion, eating meat is the easiest and healthiest option to get nutrients.

  • I do not believe that vegan diets are healthy unless you use suppliments and vitamins, which probably wouldn't be fun to take every day. Personally, I won't go on a vegan diet, but if I try it I won't go on it for more than a week. I understand that the animal industry isn't very humane, but I probably couldn't live without animal related products. I think that it's a good thing that people are doing to not support the inhumane part of the food industry, but also that it shouldn't be pushed onto other people who don't want to go vegan.

    • I don't agree when you say that the animal industry isn't very humane. Yes, there have been some inhumane things and that leaves a bad reputation on the animal industry when it's so much more than that. Sometimes all people see is the bad side of things instead of the much larger, better side.

  • I think veganism can be healthy if done correctly, but I think it is difficult to dedicate that much effort into making sure you are getting all the nutrients you need while eating vegan. I would never try a vegan diet because my family raises cows and pigs. 

    • I agree. It can be hard to get a well-balanced diet as a vegan. 

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