going to school sick

most parents make you go to school sick that also leads to kids getting sick all of the time. thats why parents should always have to call the school but still don't.

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  • I think if you are very sick you need to stay home. If you just have allergies there's no reason why you shouldn't go to school. Obviously going to school sick risks other people getting sickt, but you should be washing you hands and covering your coughs and sneezes. 

  • My parents will make me go to school depending on my condition if I am throwing up sick yea there gonna let me stay home but if I just have a temperature and dont want to do anything she might make me go to school. 

  • My parents let me stay home if I am not feeling well. Most of the time I will go back to bed and feel a little better then I will go to school for a half day. If I am really sick and going to the doctor then they will let me stay home the full day. I also agree that going to school sick can cause other kids to get sick as well.

    • well your lucky i get sent then head to student services and then go home an hour later 

  • I agree that kids going to school sick will make more people sick.

  • I think that if you're sick enough you should be able to stay home. So if you have a fever or you're throwing up you should definitely not go to school. Sometimes I get to stay home when I don't feel good but other times I have to go to school. 

  • That's crazy

    • thats crazy but yeah it does

    • sick profile and yes i agree

  • I agree that makeing sick kids go to school leads to kids getting sick all the time. My parents make me go to school when I am sick. They let me not go to school when it is really bad.

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