Foreign Language education

Foreign languages go all the way back to the 18th century. The first languages taught in the U.S. were Latin and Greek they were the OGs. They were taught to the groom scholars and clergymen. The clergymen were the male righteous leaders. By the    19th century, more modern languages were taught. These are  French, German, and Spanish. In the beginning, it was all about preparing diplomats and learning cultural enlightenment. By the time the 20th century came running around world wars started taking place. That shook everything up and we started to want language education. These were used for security and communication reasons. 

It was a way we could connect globally. Many schools now teach a variety of languages such as Spanish, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, and many more. They were also used for the space race and technological advancements. Also used for science and language skills. Now, the history of foreign language in our school is not much. We have always taught French and Spanish. This year we are removing French because everybody chooses Spanish over French.

 What language class did you are you taking?

What language class would you like to see in our school? 

How many languages do you speak?


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  • I am currently taking Spanish 2, I took Spanish 1 last year. I wish our school had an ASL class because there are lots of people who communicate using sign language. I only speak English currently, but I plan to continue with spanish and try to become bilingual. 

  • Currently, I am taking spanish. I would like to see French stay because I think it is good to have the option to learn French. I speak English and a little spanish but I don't speak spanish very good. I think that we should try to offer more language classes.

  • I have taken Spanish 1 and am currently taking Spanish 2. I would like to see a Portuguese class be added to our school because I think it would give kids that already speak another language more options for classes. I only speak one language.

  • I have taken Spanish 1 and 2 but no longer take any Spanish classes. I think that it would be good for me to start learning more Spanish because it is a way for me to communicate with more and more people and could be helpful in careers that I could have in the future. I only speak English.

  • Well, even though I live in US, I still take English classes, because I still don't know everything and what I already know, I have to improve it, so English is the second language I'm taking, there was a time where I was taking portuguese on my own, but I left it. I would like the school to have Portuguese or Italian classes. Right know I can say that I only speak one language well, which is Spanish, and English hmm...I would continue saying that I am an English learner, because I still don't feel comfortable talking to everyone, only with people who I believe are not going to judge me and who on the contrary can correct me and help me in a good way

  • I am currently in Spanish 3, and I enjoy it. I am starting to self-teach myself Italian and Russian. I think that it is important to learn at least a little bit of a second language because you might need to use it at work or other aspects of your life. It is nice that we had French, and I am sad that we are condensing our language progarm to mainly Spanish. I would like to see German, Italian, or even potentially Latin.

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