Some people may have heard that the state of Florida voted to ban transgender care for minors. Personally, I think that is great but not enough. I believe that it should not only be banned for just minors, but every single person no matter what age in every state and country. You are born a boy or a girl and you stay what you are. There is no such thing as changing your gender. People need to realize that God made us who we are, and you don’t just decide to change your gender. 


              People who think they can just wake up one day and change their gender need mental help. They should be able to get that help somewhere. We could be preventing mental illness by banning people from changing their genders, but no, a lot of people think let them go right ahead and continue to ruin this country. It is not just high school kids that think they can change their gender. Some kids in elementary are already considering that. When I was in third grade I was trying to figure out how to count to 100, not how to change my gender.  People need to wake up and listen to God and not do all this stupid nonsense that has consequences. Parents need to educate kids at a young age so they are not brainwashed. This country will be going to hell in 20 years unless people come to their senses and change.



If you believe people need transgender care why do you think so?

Do you agree? why or why not


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  • Here is where I am at. People see hallucinations, they take them to a psych ward. People go to therapy, because of a traumatic event that happens. They go to therapy if they feel something went one way but it really went the other. Why aren't we doing this for trans people? If people seeing hallucinations aren't considered well enough to be in today's world, why would we want someone who believes they are a girl, but is actually a guy.  

  • I can see how you can think that but you have to realize not everyone believes in god and some people don't appreciate others constantly shoving the excuse of "god doesn't agree" down others' throats like sure it's your religion but some people don't care if it's your religion so using god as an excuse to say trans people should get mental help then maybe it's you who needs mental help. 

    • Even if some people do not believe in God, I don't think that they should use that as an excuse from some outlandish idea to think you can change your gender. There are 2 genders, and you can not just change them. I learned you get what you get and don't throw a fit, but people who change there gender must not have learned that saying. 

    • Me that needs mental help? howcome nobody changed their gender for centurys up until now? We need to realize that this isnt normal. You get what you get in life. Not everything can be changed to how you like it or how you want. It would make no sense to change genders.

      • Here are links about trans people existing in ancient times

        Seven Things About Trans People That You Didn't Know
        Trans people have been around for centuries in cultures and history as early as 5000 B.C. Today, we exist in societies and cultures across the globe.…
      • Actually trans people have been around since ancient times it was only the term transgender that was recently made so the argument that trans people are a new thing is not a valid argument 

      • I believe that people just got bored during covid because they were locked up in their houses, so they decided to come up with made-up ridiculous genders, and a bunch of other crap. Religion isn't always a reason in these situations, some people are just mentally aware enough to realize that changing genders is going to be a decision you'll letter regret, and it can be hurtful to the opposite gender, especially when trans men try to say that they know what pregnancy and menstruation is like.

  • I agree, there are only two genders, and it is not the most intelligent thing to change your gender. Our world is going to go down fast if people just allow people to do things like this. There are other ways for people to become more comfortable in their bodies. I think the only type of care we should be providing transgender people with, is the mental help they need to relize you can't just change your gender, and help to get their life back on track, and make them comfortable in their body with the gender they actually are. God made two genders, and we should keep it that way. God did not make an infinite number of genders, and I do not believe that he wanted people to try to change their gender either.

  • Transgender people are very mentally ill and transgender care shouldn't even be a thing. Like you said, God created you a male or female and you should not be able to change that. I think anything trans related should be banned as well. 

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