Fast Fashion. It Needs to Stop.

What is fast fashion? Fast fashion is a quick and large production of cheap clothing, that is often thrown away because of the material, or the matter of not wanting it anymore. Which causes more and more build-up in landfills. Fast fashion businesses are often cruel to their workers as well. Workers are required to put in 14 to 16 hours per day, seven days a week, and have verbal and sometimes even physical abuse from managers. Over 200 million children aged 5-12 have to work these cruel hours as well. Workers are often exposed to harmful substances while working without enough ventilation. Accidents and injuries are also common. Most fast fashion companies pay their workers little to nothing, around 20 cents per day. Fast fashion is very common in the U.S. Brands such as Nike, Shein, Victoria's Secret, and many many more are all fast fashion brands. They are popular because prices are so cheap so they are often clothing buyers' first choice. Fast fashion is very problematic and needs to be changed. How can we stop it? Well, the first thing you can do is buy clothing from more sustainable brands, such as Levis, Patagonia, Athleta, etc. They may be more expensive, but they last longer and are better for the environment. If you don’t want to go that route and spend more money, a thrift store is an option, or you could help by donating your clothes to them as well. I personally think fast fashion needs to be stopped or become better for the environment and workers. What do you think?

Is fast fashion a problem?

Do the workers need to be paid more?

What are you going to do to help?

How should we stop clothes from being piled up in landfills?

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  • I think that fast fashion is a problem and will only continue to become a more significant issue if we don't do anything to help stop it. One of the ways that we could help end fast fashion and help the environment is by buying from more sustainable and eco-friendly stores and companies. We could help clothes from pilling up in landfills by simply not buying "trendy" clothing because that is a big factor in why people throw clothes away.

  • Fast fashion is a problem expecially if its affecting the earth. I think it would help if workers were paid more and make better products. Making bad reviews on the clothing could help people realize that the clothing and stuff is not good. We should start using natural clothing.

  • I think that fast fashion is a problem. Workers should be getting paid more for the hours and days they work. It is messed up how they make children between those ages work for 20 cents per hour. They make about $3.20 per day. That is crazy.

  • I have not really noticed what fast fashion does or what it is in my life but I have noticed it with products that aren't clothes. For example, I want to get a steering wheel for Forza Horizon 5 and other racing games but I want something that won't break in the first year and have watched hours of reviews for which one that I want. I think the workers being paid more will increase inflation and will in cost make products more expensive.

  • I think that fast fashion is a big problem if I had a choice I would try to wear natural clothing. and instead of throwing the clothes away, you could donate them to thrift stores instead of making landfills worse. or be resourceful and stitch your clothes up yourself that way you can make it more to your style if you don't like how it looks anymore.

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