Social media plays a huge part in many teenagers lives. However, it can be seen as both a good and a bad thing. The average teenager spends roughly 7 and 1/2 hours on social media every day, that is almost 1/3 of their days just on their phone. Social media can take a toll on many teens mental and physical health. 


The benifits of social media are that it allows people to create their own online identities, and communicate with others. It can also be used to cure bordem, provide entertainment, and to express themselves. It lets people connect with others even across seas, and it could sometimes be used as a distraction and to help them with depression. Social media can help people with relationship skills, and interacting with a team atmosphere. However, social media has plenty of negative effects on teens, and even people in general.


In 2019 a study of 6500 12-15 year olds said that if they spent more than 3 hours a day on social media, they were way more likely to develop mental health problems in the future. It has been observed that spending a lot of time on social media, is closely connected to teens who suffer from severe depression and anxiety. Young girls also tend to compare themselves to the models they see on the internet, and this can lead to developing eating disorders and other body image issues. A study on college students also revealed that the more time they would spend on Facebook, the more they were convinced that everyone else's lives were better than their own. Social media is a very easy way for teens to get bullied and harassed. It makes it very simple for the bully since there is no confrontation needed, and it is just the click of a button.

Do you think social media is good or bad?

How would you feel if social media got taken away?


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  • if social media got taken away.... i dont know what id do to be honest. Ive used social media to read about a person of my interest and watch highlights so many times i dont know what id do without it. It is in fact a big part of our lives and it sometimes helps understand whats around us and the dangers or people, objects and animals and call for help when we are in an emergency.

  • I think social media is good, its a good way to talk to friends from long distance. Most teenagers understand the fact that they spend too much time on the devices but most dont care very much. I think its a good way to talk to parents when your gone and also comedy and learning the news about the world.

  • I think it sometimes can be bad and sometimes good beucase you can get bullied but if you are socail media you can get made front of and you dont want that to happen people just dont understande when to stop.I woudnt know what to do and im not on my phone that much but i would try to do something sept it.

  • I think it is bad because it makes people feel lots of different ways than if they were hanging out in person.  I wouldn't be that up set if social media got taken away.  There are still ways to get a hold of people.  It's not like social media benefits that many people. You can text, call, or just hang out with your friends. 

  • I don't think that social media is bad for me because i don't really spend that much time on it but i also believe that it could be affecting other people. I think it would be bad if social media got taken away because it would take away a lot of peoples sense of worth and maybe even some peoples jobs.

  • I think it can be good and bad. people post positive things but also post negative things. people on social media can easily hurt someone's feeling. they can sit behind a screen and be mean to people. In person, they probably wouldn't say things they do online. I think social media has taken over lots of things and how things usted to be. Getting social media taken away would suck but also, I think would be a good thing. people would actually have to talk to others in person. I think it would be good for people and not have to worry about someone posting about them. 

  • I think it is bad because it makes people feel lots of different ways than if they were hanging out in person.  I wouldn't be that up set if social media got taken away.  There are still ways to get a hold of people.  It's not like social media benefits that many people. You can text, call, or just hang out with your friends.

  • I think if used in a good and uplifting way social media is great but it is the times that it is used to push people down or for political wars that it turns bad. I think a lot of people would get very mad if it gets taken away and it would hurt the connection we have with the world so I don't think it would be good if it gets taken away. 

  • I believe that social media has lot of positive things, but there is way more cons with it. Social media can be dangerous if its not being used in a responsable way. I don't really know what I would do if social media got taken considering the fact that I've thought about deleting all of my social media platforms. 

  • I think that another negative of social media that this post failed to address is how people create fake personas of themselves. People are far more confident behind a screen. They take risks and say things that they wouldn't normally say in person. This can lead to cyberbullying, or just not being truthful to yourself and the people you talk to. Online it's easy to show just specific parts of yourself, and to cover up the things that you don't like. You can't do this in person. Social media also limits peoples communication skills; if people spend all their time saying things behind a screen they may forget how to interract with others in person.

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