Computers/Tablets VS Textbooks

A grand majority of schools in the United States have students use a piece of technology like a Crombook or a Tablet and many others. But which are better Tablets or Textbooks in our high school? I have personally only used a textbook once. In the early 1980s was when the first computer was in a school to teach simple programming. Today if there were only a few computers in our school our learning system would be totally different.

The pros to having computers in our learning system is that computers can hold hundreds of textbooks on one device, plus homework, quizzes, and other files that means that we are not using as much paper and ink. But having computers or tablets means that they can be distractions. 87% of K-12 teachers believe that “today’s digital technologies are creating an easily distracted generation with short attention spans.” Also, having online textbooks cost less than having to print the textbooks out like the average print textbook costs $70 but a 6 year subscription is between $45-$55. But not all homes do not have good  internet that means that if they have homework online they can't get it done. Also computers and tablets can freeze, or get hacked and the repairs for a computer or a tablet can get expensive. 

Overall I think that having technology in our learning system has its pros and cons but I would go with having technology in our learning system but I think we should have some ways to help the people that can't afford good internet.

Which one do you think is better

What ways do you think could improve Computers in the learning system

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  • I think that it is a good thing we have computers that we are able to use. I do feel also that some people not having internet at home does present a challenge.  One solution to this could be having printed coppies of all homework available for those students. There is also a problem when taking tests, I do not think that I have taken a single test on the computer without having at least one student have to go to the tec department for an issue.

  • I personally think online is better because you can bring it anywhere and look at it anywhere, also its way easier to acsess, I think our technology is so good right now that nothing needs changed I think it is perfectly fine how it is.

  • I think that using digital learning techniques is very beneficial. This also includes using computers/tablets instead of textbooks. The world is becoming more and more digital and I think that it is important for students to learn how to deal with these technologies in school since they will probably use during their future work life. 

  • In my opinion, technology is better. Many projects and school work are easier using it and it is also more convenient because it allows you to do it at any time an anywhere. It is true that technology can make students not be as focuses or having distractions but there is applications that regulate that. 

  • I believe that computers are better because they can have all of the material that you need in one place. Computers also weigh a fraction of what textbooks weigh. I think that computers have improved the learning system by introducing easy communication between teachers, students, and staff.

  • I think that computers are better because, now a days the text books are on computers and computers are easyer to carry. I think that it is easier to by past a lot of stuff on the computers but I think you focus more on textbook. Overall I think that computers are better in a lot of ways.

  • I think that having computers in school is much easier and more relevant than textbooks in this generations learning environment. There is much more information on a computer than there is in a textbook. Personally I like learning on a computer more than textbooks, learning on a computer is more interesting than reading a textbook. There definitely can be cons about computers and pros about textbooks. I think If you get your work done in school where there is access to reliable internet it will solve lots of peoples problems with not having access to dependable internet outside of the school. 

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