Cartels and gangs today

There are many different cartels and gangs around the world that cause lots of problems and lots of deaths especially in smaller more crime ridden countries. But not all are just in small countries. Drug cartels and gangs have even spread into bigger countries like the U.S where they sell illegal drugs and commit crimes. While many countries like Mexico aren't trying to get rid of these gangs and are instead trying to be peaceful with them and mitigate the problems they cause. Cartels and gangs continue today to sell lethal and addicting drugs such as cocaine and heroin. 


Gangs have been around for a long time and have been said to have been around since the late 1700’s to the early 1800's. How are countries supposed to get rid of gangs when they've been around for this long and they've only grown since then. Maybe being peaceful with them is the only way to stop them from causing more damage than they already have done and will in the future. Cartels and gangs often prey on people that have a much harder time defending themselves such as people of old age or younger people.


One of the main reasons gangs have only grown and are extremely hard to get rid of is because the gangs and cartels are just continuously recruiting new people. One of the bigger problems of them recruiting young people as young as 9 years old. With gangs ruining youth at this young an age and transferring them into criminals before they even have a chance to reach adulthood. Cartels and gangs cause mistrust in communities and cause problems with economic efficiency.


What's going to happen with these gangs in the future are they gonna continue to commit crimes basically freely in some countries because governments don't have enough military power or police to get rid of them or are they just going to get worse. Cartels 


Do you think there should be more done about gangs and cartels?


Should governments just try to mitigate damage they cause?


What would you do if someone close to you was effected by a cartel or gang?

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  • Yes, I think that there should be more done to stop the gangs and cartels. Yes, they should mitigate the damage they cause even though it is a lot of damage done. Nothing you can probably do if someone close to you is affected because there are so many of them 

  • I think that more should be done to stop gangs and cartels but I see how it could be difitcult and very dangerous. I think the govenment should try and keep the damage they cause to a minimum. I don't know anyone who has been effected by a cartel or gang.

  • I do think think that they should try to do something about gangs and cartel. I do think they should try to mitigate the damage. I am not sure what I would be able to do but I am sure I could think of something.

  • I think we should try to do more to try to stop gangs and the cartel but i feel like they are trying their best to try to stop them already. Yeah, they should try to mitigate the damage , why would they just not do anything. I would probally tell the police.

  • I think gangs and cartels should try to be stopped because they cause so much harm. I think that governments would be able to mitigate the damage because they have so much  power, but they won't be able to get rid of it completely. 

  • I feel that we should find a way to try to manage gangs and cartels more than we do now. They should try to keep the damages down along with the casualties. I would be very upset if someone I cared about was effected by a gang, but I don't know what I would do.

  • I think that gangs and cartels should be tried to be put to a stop but it would be very hard. There are many people that are a part of a gang and it would be very challenging to stop everyone. I am not sure what I would do if someone close to me was affected/attacked by a gang, I would not be able to fight them because they would probably win.

  • Yes, I do think there should be things done about gangs and cartels because there is a lot of harm between them. Yes, I do think the governmnent should help and stop the gangs from happening. I wouldn't be very happy if someone was effected because that is horrible to have happened to you.

  • I think there should be more done about gangs and cartels because it is an illegal thing to do. I think governments should crack down on them and punish them when they are caught. If I knew someone affected by a cartel or gang, I would get them help and report the gang to the police.

  • I do think there should be more done but also I think it would cause more harm between the government and the gangs. I think they should try to mitigate it but im not sure how they would stop it. Im not sure what i would do, it woukd have to depend on the situation.

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