Burping Black Hole

A black hole, relatively near our galaxy has recently been "burping" gas. This is the nearest black hole to our galaxy, even thought it is almost 26 million light years away from us. Scientists believe that this is caused by a larger galaxy that has been feeding into the black hole. This sudden increase in gas intake and consumption is causing huge outbursts of gases, which actually are creating new stars and systems. The reason that this is important to scientists and other people is that it shows that this very likely happened a lot during the formation of the universe. This probably led to the formation of many different galaxies and star systems early in time. This also shows that even though black holes prevent galaxies from getting too large they also are important in the creation of them.

An artist's impression of what a black hole might look like. In February, researchers in China said they had spotted a super-massive black hole 12 billion times the size of the sun.

You can read more here.


1. How do you think that black holes form?

2. How do you think this new information will help us better understand our universe?

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  • I think the black hole was created by the stars and some magic wizard.  I think it will eventually destroy the earth and the rest of the galaxy. 

  • I think that black hole are created when a type of star reaches a certain point in its life that all the elements in it are burned up and it explodes opening up a black hole. I think this information could show scientists how different stars and galaxies were created and further advance fields that involve space

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