Are Books Better than the Movies?

Are the books better than the movies? Over the years there have been many good books that were turned into movies. Although they usually are never exactly like the books. A survey of teenagers showed that a fourth would read the book, and less than an eighth would read the book and watch the movie. It shows that most teenagers would rather just watch the movie.

There are many advantages to reading the book rather than just watching the movie. Reading the book allows your mind to be creative. You are able to interpret the plot as you like and imagine what the characters look like. Books can give the reader more details because they aren’t limited to a certain amount of time. Books are also proven to enhance your spelling, punctuation, and grammar. 

While there are many advantages to reading, there are many advantages to watching the movie. Reading is an individual thing, but watching a movie doesn’t have to be. You can watch a movie with your friends and family. While reading an entire book multiple days, watching the movie will help you understand the entire storyline in about two hours. Some people also like to actually see what is happening because it helps them understand it better or even remember it better.

One thing readers don’t like about the movies’ based on books is that they are always different. So why are the movies different from the books. One main reason movies are different is because movies don’t allow enough time for all the details and plot that are in the book. The way books are set to narrate certain things to move the story along, but movies don’t have that. So they are changed to move the story along without the narratives. Another reason is the screenwriters don’t want people to have the same experience twice, so they change it to make a new experience for people.

I think that the books are better than the movies because I like how a lot more can happen in the books and it's in a lot more detail. I would also rather read the book before watching the movie for those reasons. I think that it's fine if little details change in the movie as long as the story is basically still the same. Although I have seen a movie that had an added element that isn’t in the book and I don’t think they should do that.



Do you think the books are better or the movies?


Would you rather read the book then watch the movie, or watch the movie then read the book?


Do you think movies should be exactly like the books or is it good that there are some differences?

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    • I also like the books better because I feel like I just know more about what is going on, but with how busy my schedule I don't tend to read as much as I want to. And instead when I have time I choose to watch a movie because it's more of a one day thing than a book is.

  • Although I do not read many books or watch a lot of movies, I prefer to watch movies. Even though some books might be better than the corresponding movie, I find reading extremely boring, and I do not have the patience to read an entire book at one time.

    • I think the biggest reason people have for liking movies better is time. Books take a lot of time and patience to finish, while movies can sum it up in about two hours. And other than a few exceptions the movies are just fine, so you really don't need to read the book.

  • Personally, I like movies more than books. Sometimes I enjoy reading them but it takes far too long to get through a story that could be wrapped up in an hour or two. I know any reader would say that the descriptions are better, but like my grandpa was taught in the Army A picture can tell the story of a thousand words. For those reasons, I would rather watch a movie. 

    • That is actually a really good way of thinking of it and while I would agree, I think you need to be able to see the whole picture without getting lost in the main part of the scene or you might just miss some detail. I mean you could also accidentally skip a detail in the book when its at a less exciting part and you would still be just fine.

  • I think movies are better than books because I don't like reading that much so if I don't have to i won't. I would rather watch the movie first then read the book .

    • That is a really good point, if you could understand the whole plot of the story by just watching the movie, why read the book? Of course there might be scenes that were taken out that are just little fun scenes that probably don't change the plot, but you could easily know the plotline in just the time of the movie.

  • I think that movies are better than books. I would rather read the book first just to get it over with. I think that they should try to keep it the same for the most part.

    • If I was going to read the books and watch the movie for it, I would also want to read the book first then watch the movie. I feel like if I watched the movie first I wouldn't really feel the need to read the book, but if I read the book first I think I would just be even more excited for the movie.

  • I think movies are better than books because you can finish them faster. I would rather watch the movie than read the book because it is more fun to watch it than to read it. I think they should be exactly like books because then you know that your not missing anything if you just watch the movie.

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