
  • Thats pretty sweet. That dog is a beast!
  • i think that is awesome that the dog jumped in and saved him
  • Aww... That is so sweet. I hope that I would never get into a situation like that, but if I were to I hope that my dog would save me! :]
  • Sometimes I think it would be super awesome to fight a cougar or a mountain lion with my dog. I know we would win too.
  • That's awesome(: My favorite part of the article is when the dog sniffed the boy after the fight to make sure he was okay then he just sat down. It's so sweet, and the boy was very lucky to have the dog around.
  • thats amazing
  • This is an amazing story. It really just shows how loyal a pet can be to its owner when the owner is in trouble. It is an amazing story no doubt.
  • i wish i had a dog. what are cats good for? they sleep all the time.
  • Musta been a studly dog :)
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