2 Bodies found near an Indiana Creek.

On Tuesday February 13th, Indiana State police found 2 bodies near a northern Indiana Creek and authorities are now  investigating this as homicide. Authorities have determined the bodies to be 14-year-old Liberty German and 13-year-old Abigail Williams. The bodies were found three quarters of a mile from a abandon railroad bridge, where they had been dropped off Monday to go hiking. The Indiana police have found no suspects but have found many leads to further investigation.

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How could this accident have been prevented?  

Would you feel comfortable hiking by yourself at that age?

My Answer- 

I think the parent/guardian should have stayed with them because being a young teen it probably wasn't the best thing to be out doing this on your own. I would personally not feel comfortable to be hiking with just another friend that may not know much about hiking. 

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  • I think someone should have stayed with them or maybe if they were doing stuff that could risk their lives they should have been more careful. I would not feel comfortable especially because their are so many dangers when hiking its almost scary to think about.

  • I think that this could have been prevented if there was an adult with the children. Or at least someone older that 16 to watch them and make sure they are okay. I would not feel comfortable about going hiking alone at that age. I know I would not be smart enough to take care of myself. 

  • If i was that age i wouldn't mind hiking by myself with a friend but i would want it to be a place that i know my way around. I would also make sure it wasn't to far from home or somewhere where something bad could happen. These two could have gone with parents to prevent the accident. 

  • The accident could've been prevented by adult being with them when they were hiking. It depends on where I would be hiking at. If I knew the place I more than likely would.

  • I think this accident could've been prevented by having an adult stay with them while they were hiking because I don't think it would be safe to send them into the woods alone. I personally would not be comfortable going hiking by myself when I was 13-14 years old even if I knew the area. 

  • Probably not the best idea to let 2 people go hiking by themselves so it could have been prevented by not going or taking an adult/supervisor with you. I wouldn't hike with a group much less by myself.

  • I think if there was an older person with them they would've been fine. I don't think anyone that young should be hiking by themselves, even if they have done it before anything could go wrong. I wouldn't be comfortable hiking by myself when I was 13-14 yrs old.

  • I think that this could have been prevented if and adult stayed with them while they were hiking. I don't think that it was a very smart idea to leave them alone while they were out in the woods. They are teenagers and don't need to be alone. I myself would not be comfortable going hiking by myself. I would want to have a friend or an adult with me. I have gone hiking with my sister but never by myself. 

    • I agree with you! The parent should have stayed with them , with the parent may not knowing the conditions of the area. 

  • By them not going to go for a hike at this spot or having their parents go with them on the hike. Eh, at that age I didn't care whether I was alone or not so I would have been fine.

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