World's Oldest Person Dies

The oldest person in the world, Gertrude Baines, died today in Los Angeles at the age of 115. She was born April 6, 1894. Baines had lived a very healthy lifestyle. She never smoked, she never drank, and she never did anything that could have endangered her life. She was mentally alert and smiled alot, even just days before her death. She was the oldest African American voter during the election for President Obama. She voted him because "he is for the colored people" as she quoted. Obama even sent her a letter of congratulations at her 115th birthday in April. The title of oldest living person now goes to 114-year-old Japanese woman, Kama Chinen.I think its a very incredible, yet sad story. She seems to have been a great woman. I am glad that she got what she wanted from life and never went against her beliefs. I wish her family and friends the best.

Baines's 115th Birthday
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  • Imagine everything this woman has seen! All the changes!
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