Weekly Blogs 11-19/11-23


Bought Alaska from Russia in 1867

Didn't want to explore and called an icebox and called the Polar Bear Garden

Gold rush started 1897

Increased United States land mass by 20%

General Victoriano Huesta - president of Mexico killed previous president so he could become president himself.

- America working in Oil fields in Tampico

- Some soilders were working there

US sends in Naval Ships as a warning

Neither sides spoke the others langauge

- Mexican soilders took 9 US troops into custody but they were released in a couple of minutes

- Huerta refused to raise the US flag in order to go through 21 gun salute

- Countries argue going nowhere

- President Wilson backs up Mayo and sends more US forcers to mexican waters

- That began of the Invasion of Veracruz

- April 1924 President sent 800 US troops in Veracruz

- Create Naval Blockade

- Wilson oredered to for Veracruz to be taken 19 americans killed 150 mexicans killed

Even mexicos enemies were thought the Us intervention was wrong

On brink of war



Born June 5,1878

Sent to prison, shot a man

Almost excueted

He joined a successful uprising against someone

Starts a military force agianst Divison del Norte

Joins another group to overthrow Victoriano Huerta

Raided a town in New Mexico and kills 16 citizen (US)

Caused wilson to send troops to capture villa in mexico

He was excuted on June 20,1923 he got shot 9 times while he was in a car

He made a deal with the mexican leader to stop leading revoultions for a pardon

Mexican Revolution

- Started in 20th,1910

Located in Mexico and it ended in 1917

- General Diaz, General Maedro, Huerta

- The dictatorship in Mexico was lost because no one could really hold it up established democratic republic and abloish unlimited president terms

- Come into direct contact

- Exhchanging events and ideas

- Both sides had conflicts

- Then we talked about the test



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