Ancient Rome 500 BCE - 500 BC
Millarium Aureum
-translated to "Golden Milestone"
-was a marble or gilded bronze statue erected by Caesar Augustus in 20 BCE
-all roads were thought to have started here and all distances were measured in relation to it
The Story of Romulus and Remus
-had a beautiful daughter (brother banished sister to go away and become a virgin)
-she had twins, brother found out
-sent his leaders to go kill twins
-they put them in the river
-wolf found them and kept them
-ran into king
-killed uncle to become king
-each built a city
-Romulus killed Ramus
-Romulus defeats Remus and builds his city on Palatine Hill naming it after himself -Roma
Why did Rome end up being the place of the next great civilization in the West? Location
Rome's Geography
-surrounded by body's of water (perfect for trade)
-Tigris River (transportation, food, trade)
-contained large plains making it easy to farm
-position made it easier for Rome to conquer other lands and gain new territory
The First Romans
1. Latins
-built the original settlement at Rome on Palatine Hill
-this is where Romulus and Remus were found by the she-wolf
2. Greeks
-established colonies in southern Italy and Silicy
-brought Greek ideas to Italy
3. The Etruscans
-came from northern Italy
-skilled metalworkers and engineers
-had a writing system with an alphabet that the Romans adopted
-greatly introduced Roman architecture (introduced the arch)
-outside of greece, one fo the most advanced civilization in Europe druing this time
-not much is known about them since there are no Etruscan history documents or literature
What is a Republic?
-a government run by the people through elected representatives
-United States is a Republic
Republic vs Representative Democracy vs Direct Democracy
The Early Republic
-The Etruscans were the group that helped Rome grow into a large city
-Under the Etruscans, Rome was ruled by a king until 509 BC
-King Tarquin the Proud was a tyrant and was overthrown by Brutus, the founded of the Roman Republic
The Roman Republic
-set up after King Tarquin was overthrown in 509 BC
-set up a republic
republic - form of government in which power resets with the citizens who have a right to vote for their leaders
-citizens were free born males only
SPQR -"The Senate and People of Rome"
Who were the Roman Citizens?
-the roman concept of the citizen evolved over time
-all males over 15 who were descended from the original tribes of Rome became citizens
-citizens of Rome distinguished themselves from slaves adn other noncitizens by wearing a toga
-the full citizen could vote, marry freeborn persons, an buy and sell things
-some citizens were not allowed to vote or hold public office, but maintained the other rights
-some citizens could vote and practice commerce, but could not hold office or marry freedom women
-in the late Republic, male slaves who were granted their freedom could become full citizens
Patricians and Plebeians
-upper class
-controlled most valuable land, held the key military and religious offices
-very small group
-lower class
-laborers, artisans, shopkeepers
-very large group 95%
-paid most of taxes and served in the army
-very few priviledges (men could vote)
-Rome's leader eventually allowed plebeians to form their own assembly and elect representatives called tribunes
Why would they do this? - otherwise they were going to revolt
-these tribunes worked to protect the rights of plebians
Why was this an important step for the "common people? - they were going to get laws that benefitted them
WEDNESDAY- no school
THURSDAY- Thanksgiving No school
FRIDAY- no school