Weekly Blogs 10/15-10/18


Modern Olympics

-both genders may compete

-we nominate for where we want the Olympics to be held

-any nation may compete

-they don't compete nude

Anicent Olympics

-only men competed

-the olympics were only held in Greece

-only people from Geece could compete

-men competed nude in the olympics to show their toughness and pride






-nice (mediterrean climate) mild and rainy

-50's average

Minoans & Mycenaeans 

-Crete island 

Minoan Civilization 

-2000-1500 BC

-Heavily influenced by the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations

-Named after legendary Crete King Minos of Greek Mythology

-Known for its trade on the sea

-Due to its isolation on the island of Crete, generally peaceful

-Known for it's advanced cities (Knossus) not overcrowded, plumbing, toilets, sewers

-Women had higher status than in earlier civilizations

-Art & pottery

Downfall of the Minoans 

-Around 1500 BC, the Minoan civilization ended abruptly

-Historians think it could have beeen an earthquake which leveled cities and their ships

-They could have been over ran by the Mycenaeans 

-Some historians think Minoa could have been Atlantis 


-greek philosopher

-only known source discussing location of Atlantis 


-Controlled the area around Greece from 1600 BC - 1100 BC

-heavily influenced by the Minoans (much more war like)

-known for trade about the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea

-known for thier privacy on the seas surrounding Greece

-known for thier city-states Athens, Mycenae, Pylos, Tiryns

-historians aren't sure if city stares were independent or more unitd but Mycenaeans did unite to fight the Trojan War against Troy

-Mycenaeans fell apart due to internal conflits, wars as well as the Sea People's sacking their city states

-eventually the dorians came down from the north and took over Greece

Dorians 1150-750 BC

-came form the area north of greece

-less advanced than the Mycenaeans

-trade and culture slowed

-greece went into a dark age

-thrust Greece into dark times where they weren't very advanced


-greek epic poet from 750-700 BC

-Narrative poems celebrated heroic deeds

-The Iliad was about the Trojan War

-The Odyssey was a sequel that was after the Trojan War

Trojan War 

-fought between the Mycenaean Greeks and Troy

-Greek's used horse (hid inside it)

-Troy thought it was a gift

-Greeks get out of the horse at night and destroyed the

-War began after the abduction of Queen Helen of Sparta by the Trojan prince, Paris 

-Helen's husband, Menelaus, convinced his brother Agamemnon, King of Mycenae, to lead an expedition to get her back

-Agamemnon was joined by the Greek heroe Achilles and Odysseus

-They crossed the Aegean Sea and laid siege to Troy for nine years

-Demanded Helen's return

Laying Siege - surround the city, not gonna win you are going to surround it and cut off all supplies and starve them

TUESDAY- Greek City - States Athens/Sparta

Polis - city - Minneapolis, Indianapolis

Acropolis - a settlement in a city on higher ground used for defense and a place to discuss politics 

Types of Government in City States

Monarchy - government ruled by one person -king/queen 

Aristocracy - government ruled by a small group of wealthy, landowning families

Oigarchy- government ruled by a few powerful people

Tyrants - powerful individuals who seize control from the government (could be good or bad)

Democracy - rule by the people, only citizens to participate, athens had world's first democracy, women, slaves, and foreigners were not citizens 

WEDNESDAY- work on project 

THURSDAY- work on projects

FRIDAY- no school

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