Modern Olympics- both genders may compete, we nominate for where we want the Olympics to be held, Any nation may compete. Ancient Olympics- Only men may compete, the Olympics were only held in Greece, Only people from Greece could compete, Men Competed in the nude to show they were tough. Climate was mild and dry.
Minoan Civilization- 2000- 1500BC, Heavily influenced by the Egyptian and Mesopotamian Civilizations, Named after legendary Crete King Minos of Greek mythology, known for its trade on the seas. Known for their art and pottery. Historians think it could have been an earthquake which leveled cities and their ships.Plato is the only known source discussing location of Atlantis.
Mycenaeans- controlled the area around Greece from 1600 1100BC. Heavily influenced by the Minoans, much more war like, known for their trade around the Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, known for their piracy on the seas surrinding Greece, Known for their city-states- Athens, My cenae, Pylos, Tiryns.Mycenaean's did not unite to fight the Trojan War against Troy. They fell apart due to internal conflicts, wars as well as the Sea People's sacking their city-states.
Dorians- 1150-750 BC Came from the area north of Greece, less advanced.
Trojan War- we don't know if it actually happened because there was some mythology mixed in.
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Acropolis-a settlement in a city on higher ground used for defense and a place to discuss politics
Monarchy- governement ruled by one person king or queen
Aristocracy-government ruled by a small group of wealthy, landowning families
Oligarchy- a government ruled by a few powerful people
Tyrants- powerful individuals who seize control from the government, could be good or bad
Democracy-Rule by the people, Athens had perhaps the world's first democracy, only allowed citizens to participate.
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