Persian Wars- fought between the Persian Empire and Greek city-states(Athens, Sparta, Thebes, etc.)
Persia was after Wealth and resources, that's why they attacked greece, they wanted to increase the prestige of the King, end the numerous rebellions in the western part of their empire.
Ionian Revolt- the Ionians(Greeks) led a revolt against the Persians after Cyrus the Great died. Led by Athenian General Miltiades, ionia asked Athens to Help them which they did. Darius the Great(Persian leader) quickly ended the Ionian Revolt but was very angry at the greeks. Darius vowed to burn Athens to the ground before he died.
Miltiades Escapes- militades escaped back to Athens and told the Athenians that the Persians were coming to burn Athens.
Darius sent an envoy to the Greek city-staes in 491 BCE asking then to submit to the Persians, The Athenians just killed the envoy, Darius responded with a naval invasion of 600 ships and 25,000 men.
Persia was the larges empire in the world at the time and consisted of millions of people, Ancient Greece was about 500,000 total people, It was truly a David vs. Goliath battle.Athens and Sparta teamed up and fought against the Persians.
Battle of Marathon- 490BCE- 90,000 Persians vs. 10,000-20,000 Greeks, Greek hoplites vs persians archers, the greeks won. The greeks won because of Longer spears,heavier swords, better armor, and the phalanx formation.
Pheidippides- After the battle ended, he ran from Marathon to Athns to tell the Athenians of the victory over Perisa.
Battle of thermopylae- ten years after the Battle of Marathon, Persia once again invade Greece, Darius the Great's son Xerxes, made it a goal to destroy Athens. The Persians won the Battle of Thermopylae but not before the Spartan soldiers held out for days allowing many Greek troops to retreat, it also allowed Gerek cities time to prepare.
Battle of Salamis 480 BC- the naval Battle of Salamis, the Greeks destroyed the Persian navy, the Persians were never the same after that and were eventually driven out of Greece, After the Persian wars, the Delian League was established setting up an alliance between the Greek city-states, Starting around 470 BC, Greece, and Athens specifically, entered a golden age.
The Peace Treaty 449BCE- All Greek cities-staes of Asia were to be free, Persia shouldn't come close to Greece, Your navy can't sail close to Greece either. If all the things were followed the Greeks would not send troops to Persian lands.
Democracy and Greece's Golden Age-
477-431 BC, came about after Greece defeated the Persians, Drama, sculpture, poetry, philosophy, architecture, and science flourished. Also knwon as the "age of percles"-led Athens in the Peloponnesain War
Pericles' plan for Athens- three goals
Strengthen Athenian democracy- increased the number of paid government jobs which benefitted people who were not wealthy, Instituted direct democracy, citizens rule directly and not though elected representatives,
Hold and strengthen the empire- helped establish and eventually led the Delian league after the Persian wats, Alliance of Greek city-states, Grew the Athens navy, started dominating other city-states which led to conflicts,
Glorify Athens-used money from the Delian league to buy gold, marble, and ivory, used money from Delian league to hire artists, architects, and workers to build buildings and sculptures,
Talked Politics
Greek Drama- Tragedy and Comedy
tragedy- the hero usually was an important person and often gifted with extraordinary abilities, a tragic flaw usually caused the hero's downfall, usually excessive pride.
Comedy- playwrights often made fun of politics and respected people and ideas, Aristophanes was a famous writer of comedies. The fact that Athenians could listen to criticism of themselves showed the freedom that existed in democratic Athens.
Herodotus pioneered the accurate reporting of events,
Peloponnesian (attic) War 431- 404BC- Fought between Athens and Sparta, came about as a result of Sparta not liking Athens growth of wealth and power in the area after Persian War, Athens was acting like a bully to other city-states, Sparta had a better army, Athens had a better navy, With the help of a plague that hit Athens, Sparta eventually won,
Stage 1- Sparta launched repeated invasions of Attica starting in 431 BC, Goal was to take over their land and eventually starve the Athenians if they would not meet them in battle, Spartans would only occupy Attica for around three weeks at a time as they had to go back and harvest crops, Spartans also had to worry about helot revolts, so they needed to be supervised constantly.
Pericles Plan for Athens Victory- Wanted to avoid land battles with Sparta, Get behind Athen's wall, Use the Long Walls(3.7 miles) to access the sea in order to trade and ger resources, Use the Athenian navy to invade cities in the Peloponnese.
The Plague- in 430 BC, a plague hit Athens, the plague wiped out over 30,000 citizens, sailors and soldiers, including Pericles and his sons, Roughly one-third to two-thirds of the Athenian population died, The fear of the plague was so widespread that the Spartan invasion of Attica was abandoned
Peace of Nicias First stage Peace Treaty- this period of the war ended in 421 BC with the signing of the Peace of Nicias, The treaty basically said that both sides would give back most everything that they took from the ither during the war, Temples throughout Greece would be open to worshippers from all cities, Athens could continue to collect tribute from the states from which it had received, Athens agreed to come to Sparta's aid if the helots revolt. It was abandoned by 414 BC.
Stage2-Sicilian Exhibition, in 415 BC, Athens invaded Syracuse, Sicily, 100 ships, 5,000 soldiers, 30 horses, They wanted to help ethnic Allies (Ionians) that were on the island, Athens enemy were the Syracusans and Spartans, Athens wannted to take the entire island for resources, An Athenian general defected to SParta and told them that Athens wanted Sicily so they could launch an invasion of Italy, Carthage and the Peloponnese. The attack failed badly.
Stage 3- know as the Decelian war, the Spartans moved into Attica and eventually took over the city of Decelia and fortified it, Their goal was to take over the land and prevent Athens from getting supplies into the city over the land, This would force Athens to rely on supplies via the sea, Due to this Sparta started focusing on taking over the land that the Athenians got their resources from, Areas around Athens-silver mines, Sparta was now also getting help from the Syracusans and Persians, Athens followed the Spartans with their navy as the Spartans went to attack their strong holds, In 405BC the Athenians were defeated in the Naval Battle of Aegospotami, The Athenians surrendered ending the Peloponnesian War.
Aftermath of Peloponnesian War- Sparta took over the Athens Empire, Sparta got all the riches from the war and Sparta's allies got little to nothing, for a short time, Athens was ruled by Sparta and the Thirty Tyrants(oligarchy), Spartans killed 5% of Athens population, seized land and dismantled the democracy, in 403BC, the Thirty Tyrants were overthrown and a democracy was restroed, The corinthian War was between Sparta and Athens,Cornith and many other city-states.
Sparta was later soundly beat by Thebes at the batlle of Leuctra in 371 BC ending Sparta's dominance in the areas. Philip II of Macedon conquered all of Greece except Sparta, Alexander took ove Sparta by 331 BC