Ancient Rome-
Milliarium Aureum- Translate to "golden milestone" was a marble or gilded bronze sstatue erected by Caesar Augustus in 20 BCE, All roads were thought to have started here and all distances were measured in relation to it.
The Story of Romulus and Remus-
Romulus defeats remus and builds his city on Palatine Hill naming it after himself-Roma.
Rome was the next big civilization because of its location.
Rome's Geography- It had good farm ground, moutains, and had lots of places to trade, peninsula. Contained large plains making it easy to farm, Position made it easier for Rome to conquer other lands and gain new territory.
Latins-built the original settlement at Rome on Palatine Hill, this is where Romulus and Remus were found by the she-wolf, The Greeks-established colonies in southern Italy and Sicily, brought Greek ideas to Italy. The Etruscans- came from northern Italy, skilled metalworkers and engineers, had a writing system with an alphabet that the Romans adopted. Greatly influenced Roman Architecture, Introduced the arch, Outside of Greece, one of the most advanced civilizations in Europe during this time, Not much is known about them since there are no Etruscan history documents or literature.
What is a Republic- Student friendly Definition- A government run by the people through elected representatives.
The Early Republic- The Etruscans were the group that helped Rome grow into a large city, Under the Etruscans, Rome was ruled by a king until 509 BC, King Tarquin the Pround was a tyrant and was overthrown by Brutus, the founder of the Roman Republic.
Roman Republic- A form of government in which power rests with the citizens who have a right to vote for their leader, CItizens were free-born males only
SPQR- The Senate and People of Rome.
Who were Roman Citizens?
The Roman concept of t he citiizen evolved over time, All males over 15 who were descended from the original tribes of Rome became citizens, Citizens of Rome distinguished themselves from slaves and other noncitizens by wearing a toga. The full citizen could vote, marry freeborn persons, and buy and sell things. Some citizens were not allowed to vote or hold public office, but maintained the other rights, Some citizens could vote and practice commerce,but could not hold office or marry freeborn women, In the late Republic, male slaves who were granted their freedo could become full citizens. Patricians Slaves, Plebeians.
Patricians- upper class wealthy landowners, 5% of the citizens, had the best jobs and the most land.
Plebeians-Lower class, peasants and laborers, 95% of the population, very few privileges and could vote, paid most of the taxes.
Rome's leaders eventually allowed plebeians to form their own assemply and elect representatives called tribunes. They did this because plebeians would refuse to work and be in the military, These tribunes worked to protect the rights of plebeians. They made laws to benefit them.
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