Monday-No School
Tuesday- Segregation
Scientific Racism- where scientists tried to prove that darker skins were inferior in every way.
What Helped end it- 13/14/15th Amendment
Literacy Tests- where people had to be proven literate to vote, and had to pay a poll tax.
Grandfather Clause- if your grandfather could vote from 1-1-1867, you could vote.
Poll tax was considered unconstitutional in1915 but southerners would still use it until 1964
Jim Crow Laws- Segregation laws.
Plessy v Ferguson-1896
-"Separate but Equal"
-Reality was "separate and unequal"
Lynching and Violence-KKK
Many African Americans were kept from voting by violence and threats of violence
Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka ,KS-1954
the "Separation but Equal" rule was overturned
Barnum and Bailey agreed to unite their circus' in 1881
The Ringling Brothers had a small midwestern circus but grew and purchased the Barnum and Bailey circus
They Combined the names in 1919
Folded in 2017-$$ and animal cruelty issues
Coney Island(1903)
Steeplechase-Coney Island, New York 1897-1964
Steeplechase was bought by Fred Trump and demolished
it was then bought by the City and turned into a baseball field in 2001
Dreamland-Coney Island-1904-1911
Luna Park 1903-1944-1946 2010-?
Saltair-Great Salt Lake
Vaudeville Shows- 1888-1910
Parks- Central Park in NYC-1857
First Public Game in 1892
The Ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands
The ball may be batter in any direction with one or both hands
A player cannot run with the ball, he must throw is from where is it caught
Abner Doubleday invented it in 1839
Major League baseball became huge in late 1800's
Late 1800's college football became popular
NFL would not start until the 1920's
Other Sports
John McDermot-Major Golfer in late 1800's to early 1900's
Gentleman Jim- First Heavyweight Champ
Jack Johnson-another great in heavyweight, couldn't be beat for 7 years
World's Fair- Focused on showcasing the lastest and greatest in inventions and technology
1853-New York
1893-Chicago (Ferris Wheel)
1901 (Buffalo) Mckinley Killed
1904 Saint Louis
1915 San Francisco.
Chicago bears is one of the two original teams of the first nfl
On the daily summary, we are given a key term, and need to define it. What did it do, when was it passed, and who did it impact. Federal Trade Commision Act.