Wednesday 8/19/09

Today in class Mr. Bruns talked about his rules and expectations concerning blogs, getting work done well and on time, and the oral test (which I really like to do). We're now doing a daily short blog about what we learned; plus an additional "bigger" blog for the week. Getting blogs done on time and well is rather easy. Blogs need at least two pictures or one video, the content of the story, and your own opinions, very simple. Doing blogs can be the difference between an A or a B, so we should spend time and do them well. I was in CWI last year and not having to carry any papers is probably the best part. The oral tests are easy as long as we pay attention. So all in all i am very excited to be back, and I'm excited about blogging again.-Breann Lehr
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  • Glad to hear that you are excited to be back!! Glad to have you!
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