In 1942 the United States had a ton of US boats and started heading towards Japan with fire in their eyes. After the three years of battle between Japan and the U.S., the united states made better ships. We had four huge task boats, 1500 ships that could carry 500 to 50,000 soldiers, sailors, Navy, and the Marines. The Japanese were thought to be unbeatable but we showed the they are very beatable. Then on April 1, 1945 also known as April Fools Day the US army landed in kamikaze. The US and the Japanese had 83 days of horrifying blood shed and a whole heck of a lot of distruction. While the war was going on the government in Tokyo had a major disscusion about the things they needed to give their troops in order for them to win. So the government of Tokyo had all of the men.women and children of Tokyo make clothing and many other things to give to their troops. They also had a lot of the troops that did not get to go to battle sacrifice their lives by commiting sucide. The reason they would commit suicide was to have us (the U.S) have less troops than they do. The major thing they would do was litterally hit our planes head on. Their was exactly 350 suicide planes that wanted to fullfill their mission.In my opinion we should never have gone to war with the Japanese because I think that war should never be the answer to solve the problems that we have in our economy.