Today in class, we learned about Colonization. France came to Canada and America, Spain came to Florida and the south, Portugal went to Brazil, and England went to the central, mainly the east coast excluding Florida. Spain came looking for metals, golds, and riches. The French came for farming and fur trading. Puritans, or the Pilgrims, came from Europe trying to get away from religion prosecution. People from Europe came because their homeland was too crowded and people were dying from a potato famine.We learned that the U.S won the Revolutionary War against Great Britian. Winning the war gave us our own independence from Great Britian. The French contributed greatly to our fight. They sent soliders over.With the Articles of Confederation, it was the first government for the colonies in 1777. It has barely any power and was over ruled by the states.James Madison was the father of the U.S Constitution and it established people's right.
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